Posted by Dr L on January 31, 1997 at 17:00:27:
I saw this patient, he seemed young (about 30-33)
healthy, tanned skin, very muscular. In an andrology/urology departement
we are used to treat old people for prostat problem,hypogonadism... and related ailments or
teens for penis anomalies.
He explained me he was not able to stop to take AS and he didn't feel well
When he has tried to stop it was worst
In fact, he was 25 yo
It was his third year with a total break of 4 weeks in the year each year.
He was BB, he wished he could have stopped
to take AS to have children but it seemed impossible for him [to stop and to have children]
After two weeks without it was too difficult.
He was very organized and gave me all his program
Anadrol 50 (oxymeth): between 1-2mg/day/kg The last year
Depo testo (Cypio) : 200-300 /1week 6 month the second year
Android (Methyl) : 25-50mg/day the other 6 month the first year
Halotestin (Fluoxy): 10 -50 mg/day occasionally the first two years
In fact at the end of the second year he made up his mind to stop because his gain
were inexistant and a friend of him suggested tu use anadrol 50 alone
He had already some health problem, moderate blood pressure (16/10.5), water retention and gyneco
He was getting bald.
After 6 month he tried to have children without results and made up his mind to stop (without succes)
He explained me he worked out 3 hours every day, it was unbelievable what he ate
and he had taken about 40kg of muscle in 3 years from 83kg to 126kg
for a height of 178cm. After a complete hormonal check-up, it appeared than he has
shut down his gonade and his sexual hormone was in a total mess.
His had used surgery to remove his gynecomasties, i had problem to
find his testes. his prostate was big but he has no problem of miction.
His sex drive was too much important for him and his girlfriend.
He was sterile.
At the sime time i sent him to have a checkup of his liver,kidney,heart,thyroid,
He died of a liver bleeding / kidney failure before i got the results.