Trenbolone question--need help from other!

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Posted by Unique on January 30, 1997 at 21:22:51:

I hear over and over on this board how terrible trenbolone is. I also hear that it doesn't work orally which I
know it does. Is trenbolone that bad. Lori says that one of her ex's used it extensively and lost hair and
pissed blood. Indeed, the literature says that it shouldn't be used if you have renal insufficiency but it
doesn't say anything about it DESTROYING your kidneys. Has anyone else seen accelerated hair loss from this
product? If it was that bad on the kidneys would it be even approved for humans? Why didn't anybody I know
who has taken them orally at a dose of 100mg per day experience any piss in the blood or any other horrible
androgenic affects? Lori, did your ex experience any pain in his kidneys? People, I and a lot of others
need this info. so people don't go around hurting themselves.
Keep up the fight!

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