Re: Some medical advices...

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Posted by Dr L on January 29, 1997 at 12:36:20:

In Reply to: Re: Some medical advices... posted by OJ on January 29, 1997 at 04:04:49:

: : : I'm a french specialist in andropause treatement and i have discovered
: : : this site while i was searching for some information about US steroid
: : : I have read a lot of message on this site and i don't want to waste my and your time to
: : : try to warm you about the danger related to the use of AS.
: : : I'm against the use of steroid for healthy male or female
: : : As a phycisian i would like to give you some advices for gaining lean mass without
: : : danger.
: : : First: you have to know your hormonal profile
: : : For a healthy man between 20 and 25 yo here is a normal profile
: : : LH 2-5 mUI/ml
: : : FSH 2-5 mUI/ml
: : : Male hormone:
: : : Testosterone 800-1000mg%/ml
: : : Dihydrotestosterone 100mg...
: : : female hormone:
: : : Oestradiol 20 pg%/ml
: : : Oestrone 40-60 pg%/ml
: : : As many andrologists I have noticed some links between hormonal profiles and
: : : body characteristics which could help you
: : : Typically -(1) men with light bones, fatty body, narrow shoulder, wide hip (usually
: : : below mean genitals) have likely to have a poor profile even when they are young
: : : -(2) Athletic men, well balanced, muscular , (normal genitals) have a normal profile
: : : -(3) Men who are taller than wide, often skim or thin (usually beyond mean genitals)
: : : have a good hormonal profile
: : : That is what we can see in our medical office and which is often confirmed by
: : : hormonal screenings
: : : For (1) a supplementation is (medically) required for a normal life otherwise the body is likely
: : : to get old early
: : : For (2) a supplementation can be (medically) required after 40-45yo or before for
: : : gaining lean mass
: : : For (3) If the thyroid is doing well ,they don't need chemical aid only to
: : : improve their nutrition and probably to meet a psychologist if their sexe drive is
: : : low or not sufficient.
: : : I assume you are of the type (2) and you want to gain mass
: : : I you are less than 20 yo it's stupid to take any drugs, I will give you further
: : : some tips you should know to have a natural boost.
: : : I have used since years with several hundred patients a lot of different drugs.
: : : As many physicians i'have found that the safest mean to increase lean mass
: : : (or testosterone levels) is to use mesterolone (oral).
: : : It's not the most efficient in term of speed but you can keep to take it during five
: : : years without halting:
: : : -I have never noticed any trouble with liver: no transaminase, no biluribine increases,
: : : - It does not interact with hypophyse
: : : -It does not produce by metabolisation any female hormones (no gynecomasties)
: : : As control you need to check your LH level it should be between 0.5 and 1.5
: : : under 0.5 it means than your own testosterone production is stopped which is stupid
: : : because you can add your natural testo and the exogenes one if you begin slightly.
: : : In fact the aim for a several months or years supplementation strategy is to shift
: : : the balance of your testosterone level to higher level :when testo increases, LH decreases
: : : and when LH increases testo decreases (LH of 15 gives about 600 ng of testo which is low)
: : : If you increase your testosterone level to quickly you will shut down your own testo
: : : production which is not productive. And it's when your body is unbalanced than
: : : side effects may appears. Don't forget than you want to increase lean mass and
: : : not water retention ! That's why some people say that when you stop, you lose all
: : : because in a cycle of 10 weeks you have not enough time to take as much lean mass
: : : as you could. Only water and a few mass. With a 6 months treatment you increase
: : : slightly your testosterone levels , your body has enough time to adjust its other
: : : hormonals levels and then your body don't need to decrease the sensitivity of its hormonal
: : : receptors to cope with the stress of a high soar and you can gain muscle steady.
: : : Another drug which is interesting is undecanoate of testosterone but it's not
: : : as safe as the previous because (it acts on hypophyse...) It's totally harmless to correct
: : : insufficient testo levels but not to increase testo for healthy male. But it's more
: : : harmless than others AS. Of course never use you 17 alpha methyltestosterone.
: : : Don't use AS for animals. Don't forget that when your liver begin to have touble
: : : it means than 2/3 is already destroyed !.
: : : Don't use H-GH it's efficient (few) only for old male and dangerous
: : : Don't use IGF-1,nobody knows really what is it.
: : : Don't run with the Devil: DO NOT USE INSULIN please
: : : You can increase your testosterone level with zinc, vit E/C and with good
: : : quality of life and few stress. Practice sport without overtraining, with
: : : short and intense activities. Have sex(ejaculation) 3 (at least) a weeks , especcially
: : : the night before a day with workout. Excitation/frustration increase testosterone levels,
: : : an abstinence of 2 or 3 day can be useful.
: : : Well i will come back on this site to see your message and if you had any question.
: : : Sorry for my english
: : :
: : Hi, Doc
: Here are the true facts: yes, mesterolon is safe,
: but it has no anabolic activity! And if it did,
: it would loose its anabolic activity within about
: 6 weeks, like all oral roids. So taking it for
: 5 years straight is useless.
: Zinc, vita C/ E will just normalize test levels
: if there is a shortage of this. I recommend you
: to study some more literature! CU, OJ

Zinc don't just normalize test levels, it improves
the balance between testo and DHTesto and increase
the rate testo/DhTesto.
You can use Mesterolone in a lot of different way
Ask to the US swimmers (male and female) or Aus swimmers if it doesn't work !
Of course whith high dose of any AS you can gain muscle
Have you ever noticed that only sports amateur have problem with doping side effects ?
Because there are no medical team to advice them they need to take high dose
to see some results and then side effects appears !
Some of my patient has gained 20kg in one year of mesterolone
Meet some clinical physician instead of believieng guru of steroids who have mainly
read medical literature. AS are not magic , it's not new, i don't
earn any money by selling drugs, i have no interest to make bought AS in big quantities

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