Re: msg for Slinger-DEA

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Posted by Pete on January 29, 1997 at 11:26:20:

In Reply to: Re: msg for Slinger-DEA posted by Revolutionary on January 28, 1997 at 23:40:40:

Why is it the DEA was so successful and stopping steroid
use but can't stop the cocaine coming into this country.
The DEA has been fighting this drug war since the early eighties
to the tune of about 3 billion dollars a year and cocaine is
more prevalent than ever. How come customs can detect a couple vials
or tablets coming over in a little package but can't find the coke
coming over by the boatloads. I can picture the DEA and customs officials
leaned over a guy with a couple vials of Test, giving him the Rodney
King treatment while a guy on a forklift loaded to the gills with coke
drives by and asks the DEA "where should I put this"?

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