Re: Anabolic Cycle & Injections

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Posted by New Disciple on January 28, 1997 at 07:41:48:

In Reply to: Re: Anabolic Cycle & Injections posted by chizzled on January 23, 1997 at 21:26:37:

: : Could l get some feedback if possible on the following cycle. This is my first cycle
: : as l am sick of making supplement companies rich !!!!! I weigh 200 pounds with 18% bodyfat
: : and train 4 times a week.

: : Week 1-4
: : 200mg Deca
: : 250Mg Sustanon

: : Week 5-8
: : 400Mg Deca
: : 500Mg Sustanon

: : Week 9-12
: : 200Mg Deca
: : 250Mg Sustanon

: : Week 13-16
: : 10Mg Nolvadex per day
: : 25Mg Proviron per day

: : Week 13-20
: : 120Mg Clenbyterol cycled 2 weeks on 2 weeks off etc....

: : Also l am having difficulties with the needles l currently use 21g needles (0.80x 25mm)
: : should l use longer needles say 1 1/2 " needles ? My last shot in the ass caused me some pain
: : and l am feeling a kind of lump under my skins surface is this a problem or am l just panicking ?
: : Does anyone have any tips on the best injection , if their is one that is.

: : last but not least their used to be a great site called CyberIron on the Net l can no longer
: : find it is it still around ?

: : Thanks,

: O.k. - First off do you mean 200 mg/week during weeks 1-4 or 200mg total for 4 weeks?
: Do your dosages week by week not in 4 week clumps.

: Also, it would be better to do the testosterone first for about 6-8 weeks
: and then take a couple weeks off on HCG and/or Clomid and then jump back
: onto the deca which is less androgenic and more anabolic. this will reduce
: your receptor down grade and hopfully allow you to geet more gains out of the run!
: also, take your Nolvadex 10mg/day during weeks 1-8 (or 6 depending on how long you stay on the sustanon) as long as the mg amount of test is more than 500mg/week, take the NOlva or you may grow some goats . . .
: Don't take the Proviron until you are finished taking the deca as it may lessen the effect of the other anabolics. start takin it a few days after your last shot of deca.

thanks for your feedback, regarding the dosages they are
weekly, I'd need a big shot if l was too do it every four weeks if
you know what l mean. The shots are a pain in the ass at the moment
but you know what they say no pain no gain ! your advice sounds OK but l
am aleady up to week 5 so l will have to try it in my next cycle.

My only concern is that my bodyfat levels are too high
for a cycle, someone told me too get full benefit of the cycle
you have to be between 5- 15%. What do you think ?
Also should l wait a full 12 weeks until l commence another cycle ?
i was thinking of doing a 4 weeks x susta, 4 x primo & 4 x deca
at about 400Mg per week for each one, What do you think ?

thanks again


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