COOKIE, the monster - and how to avoid it!

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Posted by BigWiz on January 17, 1997 at 22:20:32:

One way of avoiding these cookies (if u use Netscape) is to writeprotect
the file called "cookies.txt" (found in netscape directory e.g.
"c:\Program\Netscape\Navigator\). This would do it impossible to set any new cookies.
What happens when you get a cookie is that the information resides in memory until
you quit Netscape, then any new arriving cookies will be added to the "cookies.txt"
file. You can get rid of already set cookies by deleting the lines after
" not edit" in the cookies.txt-file. Leave the fileeditor and then writeprotect it.
Done. I'm not shure how to do this with MS Internet Explorer, but I guess there
is a way there to.

Also if you check - show alert: "before accepting a cookie" Under Options - Network Preferences -
Protocols, you will be able to monitor any attempts to set a cookie on your computer.

If you search the net for "delete +remove +cookie" you will come up with more information regarding
this matter (problem!?)

This information was collected during a couple of hours searching the net, he who seeks
will find. Hope you benefit from the information, and feel free to e-mail 'bout anything.

Safe Trails and and don't forget to visit your gym!

[email protected]

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