Posted by S3 on January 17, 1997 at 16:55:31:
In Reply to: My reply. posted by Rugger on January 17, 1997 at 14:52:50:
: : You guys suck, really suck.
: How do you know? You don't even know us.
: : I have been lifting weights for 5 years now and I have never touch any substance that will make my body act abnormally,
: Could you define behaving "abnormally" Would that include any muscular development that exceeds society's norms?
: : be real this is an sport for people with good genetics for developing size and strenght,
: : if you are one of those you just need a good routine, a good diet and a lot of dicipline.
: And if a person isn't, should they be put into gas ovens or something?
: Threw the years I have seen people growing in no time and losing it again drastically as soon as they cut the steroids.
: I've seen the same thing happen when people suddenly stop exercising.
: :They never get to be as strong as a person with dedication and dicipline.
: Who says that a steroid user isn't dedicated and disciplined? That's a crock of bull. Some people are, some people aren't. Whether or not they use "supplements" that are illegal in certain countries doesn't make them any less dedicated. There are AIDS drugs that are illegal in the US that are legal in other countries. Are patients "less dedicated" who use those drugs?
: :Is your body guys,
: Exactly. It's OUR bodies, not the government's, not yours. Bye, Valenry.
Take a moment and think about what you are saying. Behaving
abnormally- Is it normal for a person (on A.S. or not) to go
into a room that smells from others perspiration, place
heavy weights on a bar, and lift it over and over again
until his muscles are seering with lactic acid, he vomits
from light headedness, and walks around like a stiff mummy for
a week. Face it we are all abnormal in the fact that we
lift weights until it hurts- humans seek pleasure and avoid
pain- we are mutants, we are weird, we are masochists,
and by dammit I like it that way! Furthermore- Never touched
any substance- c'mon- no creatine, no vanadyl, no protein powders,
FRAC, Deer Antler, Bull testicle extract, Plant Sterols,
Phosphacrap, HBM, Powerbars, etc. How about vitamins, minerals,
Amino Acids? Before you respond with yeah but they don't
result in abnormal body response- let me tell you not to
go there. If you've never taken excess vitamin C, and one
day decide to start taking 1 gram a day- your body responds
to that dose in an "abnormal" fashion in that it reacts
in ways it has not previously because it has never been
previously exposed to a gram of vitamin c. Even if you
get the excess nutrient from food, the body still reacts
abnormally because you do not normally ingest 6 apples a day,
or 8 oranges, or eat salad, tuna and yogurt for weeks on end.
The body infact reacts as it is designed, architected and
expected to, to the influx of any biological product natural
or synthetic. When anabolic hormones enter the body, the
body responds by growing- this is normal.
Good Genetics is a relative term- what is good. My 5'5" 145 lbs.
brother in law thinks my genetics are exceptional at 6'2"
245lbs. But I think that my torsoe is too long and lean,
and my legs to short and blocky. I have a disposition for fat
around my midsection, and my arms are too skinny. Body building
, powerlifting and strength training are all sports for
any one of any age and any physical condition, and if
adults they should be able to pursue the activity to whatever
level they desire- not the socially acceptable norm. I think
its unhealthy for 11-14 year old girls to suffer through
the mental stress, and physical rigors of practicing
gymnastics 5 hours per day- it affects their freindships,
their mental outlook, their health, etc. but you know what
their happy so it really is none of my f-ing business.
Rapid strength & size increase followed by a crash:
Bullshit. This happens to some people but not all. Those that
it happens to have normally failed to educate themselves
on proper use- so shame on them. 10 years ago I did four
cycles in 2 years. Gained over 30 pounds and never lost a pound
of it. And no I have'nt used since then (imagine that a
steroid advocate who doesn't even use!!! Powerful statement
isn't it-more on this later). Some people make a lot
of money, only to lose it quickly to gambling, drug
and alcohol addiction, or faulty business decision making,
I don't see anyone bitching about them. See if Jackie
Joyner Kersey can break a world speed record three months
before olympics. Why are so many records set at the olympics
but not at qualifying trials. Athletes peak, and then
subside. Some use chemicals to help them peak, some use
to ensure they do not subside too far- bottom line-
SO WHAT- What's it to you. If an athlete is aware, and
even the most novice AS users know that they are going
to peak and then subside on AS, then how does it hurt or
even affect anyone else. I play the stock market- last
quarter I made a killing, this quarter kinda sucks so far-
so long as my money is growing- I'm not going to stop
playing the market just cause I lost some cash that I
made- capish?!
Dedication- Some of the most dedicated people on the planet
drink to release tension, smoke out of habit and addiciton
to nicotine, have extra-marital affairs because they need
a little bit of "strange". So dedication ebbs and flows
through different parts of our lives. I assume your
speaking of dedication in the Gym, and it is normally non
AS users who don't understand the super dedication proper use
of AS requires. Contrary to popular beleif it is not
cheating. You can't take AS, sit on the couch eating
Frito Lay and twinkies and look good- you will end up
looking like a fat, bloated, peice of shit, with acne.
These guys work their asses off, and if you ask me are
all the more dedicated for the efforts and legal risks they
assume in the name of reaching their view of perfection
in their endeavors.
Look , I'm not telling you that you should take AS. If
your pleased with your level of strength, agility, and physique
then all the power to you, that's great. If you just came on the
board and expressed concern for AS users I could understand, but
your holier than thou attitude and condescending tone lead me to
believe that you are unhappy with the way you look and
feel (its OK we all are), and that your probably scared to use
(its OK too we all were once) and are jealous of all the
beef you see struttin around you at the gym. Its a logical
justification and I understand- Look at that monster, God he
looks impressive as hell, God I wish I could look like
that, what a jerk, He's probably on roids, that cheater,
if I was willing to be bald and impotent I could look like
that easy!! Could I get that big, would I? Would it hurt-
would everyone know and make fun of me? Could I die? Might my
pecker fall off? Geez, I wish I had the balls to try- God what
an idiot that guy is- who wants to look like that- fuck him
the cheater! I'm not making fun of you, just showing you
that others have felt the same way. It comes down to
two choices:
1. To each his own- make a choice and go your own way.
2. Try them- If it works great, if not get on this board
and warn us all based on real experience so we can stay away
from that particular AS, stack, combo-whatever.
It is interesting how most AS users aren't in gyms bugging others
about using AS. They just come do their intense workout
and leave. Its the little guys who are scared to touch
the stuff that get in everyone else's face and bitch,
cry and moan. Well I haven't used in ten years, don't need to
anymore as I'm very satisfied with my physique. I quite big, not
quite cut, but don't need to be as I will never compete. I'm married and am not
looking to impress any one other than my wife. And to be perfectly
honest gave up AS after discovering that the govt squeeze
was resulting in a lot of counterfeits. Real Parabolan, Deca,
Winnie, D-bol are worth the risk- but shooting Ajax,
Windex or God forbid some maniacs HIV brew into my body
is not. But even as a non-user I fully advocate their use
by athletes or anyone who is willing to do the due
dillegence and self education to use them wisely. Do some
introspection Valenry, and try to figure out why it
is that you are so critical of other people.
"Remove the log from thine own eye, before removing the
spec from the eye of thine brother" Proverbs
" He who is critical of others, often has not yet
faced the fact that he hates that which he is." Lao Tsu, The Tao Te Ching
Power of Mind, Strenght of Body, and Stillness of Spirit be with you all.
What should we call our new religion my brothers?