BC--please re-evaluate this

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Posted by bronco billy on January 17, 1997 at 15:44:26:

BC and lil Rob,
Sorry that the last posted cycle was so "psycho" I'm an idiot.
The laura was not supposed to last the entire 8 weeks, only weeks
5 through 8 (after the test. epth. was gone). The equipose does run
weeks 3 through 8

Week 1: 300mg test. epthinate
Week 2: 400mg test. epth.
Week 3: 500mg test. epth. and start equipose (6cc/wk)
Week 4: 600mg test. epth. and equipose
Week 5: 500mg laurabolin and equipose
Week 6: 500mg laurabolin and equipose
Week 7: 300mg laurabolin and equipose
Week 8: 200mg luarabolin and equipose

Would nolvadex or proviron be needed? None of these are
easily aromatized so I don't know

Also, clomid/HGC at the end of cycle for a couple of weeks?

My copy of WAR is coming, so thanks for the input here

Bronco Billy (thanks for the name BC)

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