Re: Best Oral Steroid Stack

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Posted by Juice Monkey on January 15, 1997 at 01:25:13:

In Reply to: Best Oral Steroid Stack posted by Varix on January 14, 1997 at 17:28:46:

: I've been BB'ing for about 8 months now and have made some impressive gains. Using the C/E/A stack I've dropped to 7.5% BF and weigh 181lbs. I'd like to gain about 10-15lbs of lean mass by summer time... I possibly have a source for anabolics (or anti-catabolics if it matters) and would like to to possibly one 60 day cycle. I don't want to stick junk in my butt so oral sound like a good idea. I know I'll lose about 10 of the pounds I would gain by going off the stack, but a good 15 pound gain sounds good to me.

: Is there a good oral stack I can take that won't trash my liver for a 60 day cycle and won't completely dissapear when I quit?

: PS: I work out every other day (mon, wed, fri, sometimes Sun) and get 1.5g protein/Lb of weight... I am also taking 45mg Vanadyl Sulfate, 3g HMB, 5g Creatine, C/E/A stack a day, and 3g Vitamin C.

: Thanks in advance.

Well I could tell you which stack to take, but I think it would be rather delinquent of me to do so. You have not been weight training nearly long enough to consider the use of A.A.S.'s just yet as you lack the basic foundation to make gains. I advise most trainees to have at LEAST 2 years of serious, hardcore training under their belts before even possilbly considering the juice. You are right on track with your current training and diet/supplementation and should be able to gain another 10 lbs of LBM in the next 4-6 months without much difficulty. There is no easy road to getting big, so don't give in now. You'll thank me later, believe me. I've seen a thousand guys just like you and they all asked the same thing. One thing you can do is to drop the ECA stack and only use it on training days. That way you get a kick before your workouts and your receptors won't be in a constant down-regulated state. Good luck.

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