Re: Winstrol for Powerlifting??

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Posted by S.S. on January 14, 1997 at 11:14:01:

In Reply to: Re: Winstrol for Powerlifting?? posted by Mighty Mic on January 13, 1997 at 14:31:15:

: : Theoretical situation. Im a Powerlifter, about 275lbs 20-25% bodyfat. I dont care about my bodyfat levels so much. But, If I had access to 4 shots of Winstrol, would it be beneficial for me? I have heard that W cuts you up more than anything.

: - Winstrol might increase your strenght slightly, but nothing significant. Try going for something along the lines of Anavar. This is a mild AS, yet helps promote strength. Other than that go for some heavy androgens such as Test Cypionate, or preferably Test Suspesion.
: -Mighty Mic

If I were you BRUTE, I would take Mighty Mics advice
and pick up a bottle of test suspension.Stanozol is great
stuff, but I don't think it's what your looking for.
The test are more your style for esp test susp
it is very very fast acting, and will give you incredible
strength gains (but these gains come with some bad
side effects, so be smart when choosing the strengths
of your cycle.)
side effects, so look out)

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