Re: I checkin out- Thanks gang it's been fun.

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Posted by FLATTOP on January 14, 1997 at 02:56:10:

In Reply to: Re: I checkin out- Thanks gang it's been fun. posted by George Spellwin, Elite Fitness on January 14, 1997 at 01:05:32:

: : : I haven't spent much time here lately because of travels and I recently got a job promotion.
: : : There have been some great posts recently on etiquette. It's ashame that we even have
: : : to tell people these things. It's that kind of idiot behavior that has given BBs a bad
: : : name. I'm not up to the task of championing that cause right now. I have to much to loose
: : : in life. I will miss this place as it has great potential and there are many great minds here.
: : : I wish you all well in your anabolic adventures and will just look in and peek every once
: : : in a while but, I will not post. Grow Big in Body and Mind.

: : -Thanks Dr. Vet for all your wisdom and advice, you will be greatly missed!! Congratulations on your promotion, and good luck in your future endevors.
: : -Mighty Mic

: Dr V.,

: Thank you for helping make our board so special. I would be honored for you and BC to contribute more formally. Please send me an email. Best of luck with your future projects; it is gentlemen like yourself that make the net so thrilling.

: Yours in sport,

: George

: Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
: Dedicated to the promotion of rapid and safe physique enhancement.
: , P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
: George Spellwin [email protected]
: Research Director phone: 212-946-4547

>>>I have been soaking up the knowledge on this forum for only a few weeks and recognize how important imput from muscle-minds like Dr Vet are to all of us. Your contributions will be missed. I hope that you contact George to continue in some capacity. Congrads on the promotion, and good luck. LIFT LONG AND PROSPER!!!! FLATTOP

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