Sex, Steroids and training

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Posted by Asia the Invincible on January 12, 1997 at 19:54:49:

Once and for all, does sex have a negative effect on muscle growth? Would testosterone and other steroids
be diverted to use in producing cum rather than synthesizing muscle tissue?

My personal opinion is no, because since normal males make about 70 mg of testosterone a week, the thousands of mgs
we inject simply cannot be used up, or normal non-steroidal males would be dropping dead left and right, or turning in to women, or at least 'feminizing'
from lack of testosterone. However, I have no evidence.

Please don't just say no because there is no evidence showing that sex lowers serum test levels because evidence is not neccesary. Soem centuries ago, there was no
evidence that the world was round. I know we all want to believe that sex is great for everything, but we need to know the facts.

Please do not disregard this question, it is serious in nature, and as a competitve bodybuilder I sometimes feel guilty while having sex, or at least afterwards.


p.s. please dont just say that if one is willing to give up sex for bodybuilding that he's nuts cause that is personal opinion. facts are what everybody really needs, and then to make a decision.

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