Tidbit on a pro BB purchase in Mex.

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Posted by Dr. Vet on January 07, 1997 at 22:30:45:

I recently visited a pharmacy in Mex and was checking on prices when I asked about
GH. The clerk told me the name of a pro that had recently been in and bought about
15 boxes of Saizen at $217 a box(10IU). I wanted to tell the guys not to spread his
name but, I thought heh if he told them who he was then he must not give a damn
if anybody knows. The guy is big but, I still think he wasted $3300. He doesn't win
any big shows. If I were a BB buying stuff in Mex I think that I could do much better
than to spend $3300 on GH. I still won't give up his name. I'm not sure if he knows
that they are using his name. Just FYI.

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