Re: Cycle Advice needed: Attn. J.C. Dr. V B.C or anyone else

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Posted by Dr.Vet on January 07, 1997 at 15:50:47:

In Reply to: Re: Cycle Advice needed: Attn. J.C. Dr. V B.C or anyone else posted by Lou on January 07, 1997 at 15:20:46:

: Dr. Vet,
: Why would you advise someone with the
: amount of knowledge about drugs that this guy has (obviously
: little) to use something like Insulin. Insulin should only
: be used by experts or under the supervision of experts not by
: someone who does not even know basic steroids. I think that you
: know what can happen if Insulin is abused or taken incorrectly by
: even the littlest amount. I am not trying to preach at you or anything
: but you should realize that not everyone has as much knowledge about
: these things as we do.

I can't tell them everything. I gave him what he asked for.
It doesn't take an expert to use Insulin.
Use it twice a day- once in the morn, once right after workout
No more than 1 IU for each 12 pounds of LBM and always take in
10gms of carbs for each IU. That's it on how to use it.
Yes it's dangerous. Doesn't anyone have a web page for Exogenous Insulin?
It would be nice to have them pointed to it when we reference
to Insulin in a post. Insulin to to powerful and cheap to ignore.
I see your point. Many times I give basics and hope that the
person will research on what I have given them. If I were to draw
up a complete training, nutrition and drug cycle for questions
like this imagine how long my posts would be. You know that those
three variables will change based upon all kinds of questions:
what is your BMR(fast or slow?)
when do you train?
What are your goals?

Ask a basic question and get a basic answer.
Ask a thorough question and you will get a thorough answer.
I don't have a problem with someone looking out for someone
elses health. Not a problem with it at all. I applaued you
for it.

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