Re: Q's for Big Canuk/EA/Slinger/Boomer

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Posted by E.A on January 04, 1997 at 23:48:10:

In Reply to: Re: Q's for Big Canuk/EA/Slinger/Boomer posted by moonface on January 03, 1997 at 19:51:15:

: : : : May sound like a stupid question, but is there any reason why you should not pre-mix
: : : : oil-based amps. (in this case its omna 250/deca 200mg./equipoise).I have the ratios
: : : : figured out and have an empty EQ 50ml bottle. Also, thanks for the responses to the clen
: : : : question. real valuable info.
: : : : EDGE

: : : Shouldn't be anything wrong with it that I can see...

: : : -E.A

: : I don't see anything wrong with it either. I thought about it for (does anyone smell smoke?) a
: : few minutes, to see if I could come up with any reason not to.

: : 1. Are you sure of the sterility of the empty EQ. vial (50ml is like a jug, actually)?
: : 2. How do you know that the 2 products will mix evenly, and you will get an exact amount of
: : either each time you withdraw from the vial? If one chemical is heavier than the other,
: : won't it be at the bottom of the vial? Even if it was the exact same oil in each amp,
: : maybe this will happen.
: : 3. Don't you enjoy the whole process of breaking open amps and loading the syringe?
: : My "friends" look forward to doing this. I guess it is a demented bodybuilder thing.
: : 4. Will this hurt the sales of EAS products in any way? I don't want you to singlehandidly
: : cause HMB to be a scheduled drug like juice is! 8)

: : Unless you were going on a trip or needed to hide your sauce all the time, I would probably
: : keep them in the amps and break when needed. I have seen a few abcesses from dirty juice,
: : dirty needles, and dirty rubber stoppers on the top of amps. Some of these guys had to have
: : puss drained from an ass cheek at the hospital. Just think of all of the ignorant doctors
: : and nurses who will give you lectures about using AS. Just the thought makes me wan't to
: : start running.
: : I doubt you will ever have a problem doing this, but please be careful and clean everything,
: : including the top of the 50ml bottle with alcohol. I personally would leave them alone.

: : By the way, if you can still get 50ml bottles of EQ, you are my new best friend. Want to
: : train with me this weekend?

: : Boomer

: I should add one thing. I do know that rubbing alcohol will kill your juice. I had a friend who emptied 30 sustanon preloads into a small glass container which was steralized with rubbing alcohol. Even though there was no actual liquid alcohol left, the remnants in the container killed all the juice. 30cc's of shit. I've heard of the same problem from someone using an empty b-12 bottle. I wonder if the preservatives (such as benzyl alcohol) were different in your supplies, if they might interract in some bad way. Probably not, but you never know.

Alcohol doesn't kill the juice. The juice must have been fake to begin with. Just because it was sustenon doesn't mean it wasn't a fake. I just got a massive abscess from fake sustenon that I got direct from the pharmacia in Tijuana.


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