Re: Advice on Anadrol

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Posted by WG on January 01, 1997 at 09:52:33:

In Reply to: Advice on Anadrol posted by Confused on December 31, 1996 at 22:29:50:

: I need someone to answer a couple questions about A-50. What kind of dosage should I use?(A sample cycle would be great!) How long can I safely use it? How much lean mass can Iexpect to gain? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Supposing it's your first cycle:

week 1 & 2: 25mg (1/2 pill) daily
week 2: 50mg
week 3: 25mg

The daily dosage and how long you can stay on it is
very dependable of you bodyweight and general health
state. The sample cycle above is quite careful.

Take oxymetholone (Anadrol) along with Proviron to
prevent gyno. If available, take 20mg of Lasix
day on and day off, to eliminate some water retention
and to keep you blood pressure low. Also, if you can get it, take
Metiocolin B12 to ease your liver job.But, don't
forget to eat as much as you can (60% protein at
least) to get the best results. In any case, bear in mind
that oxymetholone is harsh to your liver, so don't
consider it as a long-term drug.



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