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Posted by D on December 20, 1996 at 12:44:03:

In Reply to: Re: DR.VET I NEED HELP posted by Dr. Vet on December 20, 1996 at 10:27:31:

: : I bought a bottle of laurabolin and need to know if its fake!
: : the lot is m6551 and exp. abr 98. the bottle is dark brown and
: : the ml's are indented on the bottle itself from 50 down to 10.
: : the cap on top is a lite brown color at the bottom of the bottle
: : theres a small green strip and a red one. then it says intervet
: : with a circle around it. i havent used it yet cause im saving
: : it for contest prep. the box it comes in has 3 green stips and one
: : red one at the bottom of it. do you need any more info?

: : thanks alot for your help on this matter!

: First off I have never seen a Laurabolin fake. It is one of those AS
: that you can always count on it being real. In general I have never
: seen a fake that takes the time to put indetions on the bottle.
: It's just too much trouble to counterfit. The bottle sounds right on.
: The only thing that concerns me is the box. It should have two strips
: one big green and one red(at the very bottom).
: Was Laurabolin the only thing you could get for contest prep? I strictly
: talking about vet AS. I would have paid the extra money for the Maxigan 50.
: it works much better. You could mix the two together. Laurabolin sells well on the
: black market but, I just don't care for it because of the Norandren 50.
: If the Laurabolin was all you could get then heh you take what you can get.
: I have been there.
: BTW I have been saying that I will have a full report on Mex Vet AS in the
: middle of Jan. Why do I mostly deal with Vet As? It's cheap and works. I have
: buddies who get American stuff anytime they want and they will not touch Mex
: stuff. I have been the only one to use or talk about Vet AS. If you could get
: American stuff at the prices and quanities that they do then I would be using
: American stuff. Belive me I am just as big and cut as they are. They are just
: now starting to ask about vet stuff. They are mostly interested in Laurabolin.
: Ok I'll trade them some Laurabolin for some Winnie-V. No problem. We had a short
: roundtable the otherday in the gym for about two hours(the gym was empty) and all
: we talked about was vet AS. It was the first time we had done that. They are
: dead set on the Laurabolin and I can't convince then of the Norandren. They can get
: real Deca like it was stocked in the grocery store. The real Deca is so much better
: than the Laurabolin. Who knows. Like I told them "Guys I am just as big as everyone
: of you and my cycles are much cheaper". Anyway. I'm done rambling.

I agree 100%. I work in the medical field and I happen to know that vet medication is in most instances identical. That's why I have been asking all the questions about vet steroids (see posts below) I must also be very careful because the medical establishment frowns upon any talk of a.s., much less those who get caught using. I stand to loose my license, and I don't want to waste all that education. I appreciate all the help and info. I wish you would get an e-mail so we could talk in private Dr Vet. Anyway thanks. D

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