Re: Best mass, least hassle??

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Posted by JohnBoy on December 16, 1996 at 12:57:22:

In Reply to: Re: Best mass, least hassle?? posted by MattY on December 16, 1996 at 12:15:10:

: : I am looking to put on as much mass with the least amouth of hassle.

: : I dont want to have to worry about taking this or that in order to counter
: : any side effects and stuff, I mean maybe Nolvadex, but I dont want to f*ck around
: : with HCG and other stuff like that. Should I stick with low dosages? Whats a
: : good idea for such a cycle?

: The ol' cake at eat it to syndrome... I can undertand that... Nolvadex is ok... but you should take Priviron, and maybe clomid, something to make sure the test level is normal... it's better to be safe(normal) then sorry (no sperm small balls)

: Matt D

Yeah, well my question is, whats the most size I can gain without
having to resort to too much hassle with other drugs, like HCG and stuff
Nolvadex I could maybe handle, but what about a serious deca/primobolon
cycle? How much could I do without having to do too much to jump
start my system again?
I have known guys who would do like 5 dbol per day and nothing else,
and they did fine, kept most of their gains.
I'm just not sure what the current wisdom is

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