Re: <~laughing. Who is this idiot? LOL

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Posted by cycleit on December 13, 1996 at 21:52:29:

In Reply to: Roids suck posted by I'M COOL on December 13, 1996 at 14:37:53:

: As I have posted below, Most Mr. Olympians are natural they consume
: 10,000 calories a day and use lots of boron because it produces better
: gains than steroids. You will gain 40 lbs of muscle in as little as six
: weeks using boron. Boron is better than Anadrol, Dianabol, testosterone,
: and Growth hormone put together. It will lean you up to 4% body fat in
: as little as six weeks. It works better than clenbuterol, effedrine, and
: thyroid hormone. I am currently at 24% bodyfat and plan on entering a
: contest in about a month. I will be leaner (4% Bodyfat) and bigger (276 lbs)
: than I have ever been. Thanks to Boron I have 23 inch arms.
: Take it from me the #1 Bodybuilder in the world (And on this board).
: Thanks,

You don't know too much about boron or steroids do you? I'm sure these supplement companies will appreciate your foolish comments. Between you and me, I know professional bodybuilders don't use steroids either, YAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!! You are a naive wannabe!! Later, fool.

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