Re: for Lil Rob

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Posted by Lil Rob on December 11, 1996 at 12:23:56:

In Reply to: Re: for Lil Rob posted by J.T. Dipiro on December 11, 1996 at 00:28:59:

: :my only explanation to this is that the mind is a powerful thing and just thinking that the corticosteroids are breaking down muscle tissue and depositing fat is enough to chemically alter neurotransitters and increase cortisol levels. This is just my rational to what happened. Regardless, knowing what I know about pharmacology and how I actually percieve things are two different things sometimes. I'm actually with you on this one. I come into contact with patients who have an excess cortisol levels (Cushings sydrome)and to tell you the truth, just saying the word corticosteroid makes me catabolic. I can feel the muscles of my temple wasting as I talk about this. I must end this discussion now.

I hear you JT . I think it could very well be mind over body . But I want my body to think Grow . Your points are well taken .

Saty Strong
Lil Rob

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