Info database on legit/counterfeit

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Posted by Rugger on December 10, 1996 at 22:54:57:

Guys, I have an idea. After scrambling around trying to find info on
counterfeit/legit gear,
I found jack. What I would like to do (with your help) is to create a database with
pictures of what various legit and counterfeits look like, as well as any helpful
hints on determining the authenticity of the stuff.
Do you guys think this would be helpful and worth the time and effort, or is this
something that has been tried before and fizzled because it was pointless? Let me
know what you think. I'd be willing to put the info on a server if you guys would be
willing to help provide the info. Basically I'm looking for any pictures, or very accurate
descriptions of experiences y'all have had. I want to put an end to this counterfiet BS.

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