Posted by Jurgen Thaule on January 09, 1999 at 17:46:51:
In Reply to: Re: Marijuana and Bodybuilders posted by bigcanuk on December 09, 1996 at 12:38:36:
I've been lifting for a year now. I am not huge,
but i'm conciderably bigger and stronger than i
used to be. during ALL OF MY TIME as a lifter I
have smoked marihuana/hash. NOT when training,
as a performance drug, but in weekends, after
school - you know. Some periods i've quit, some
I've done it more. I've also been drinking
alcohol, but i did one very stupid thing...
I started using creatine to bulk up. I did this
only once and in a 2-3 week period. Then I went
with a mate to denmark (i'm from norway, by the
way (as if that matters)) and got shit drunk 3
days straight. Maybe it was just psychologic - but
I could almost see and defintly feel my strength
gains run out. I'm certanly not doing that again.
I had searched the entiry internet for effects
of alcohol and creatine mixed - but as i had seen
no warnings i thought "oh well, maybe i'd have
to do the loading phase again, but it cant be
harmful as with roids or i would have seen some
major warnings". I'm not saying "don't drink", i'm
just saying that I think that drinking will
certanly fuck your creatine cycle, and if you are
on roids i know it will fuck you up. It fucked up
a guy who lived not to far.. he was using the
..oh fuck, what's it called.. "water-leaker"? -
oh, yes. My point was. Even though I've been
smoking pot I have had gains. I don't know if I
would have had MORE gains if i hadn't smoked
(I know that the act of getting stoned uses
much energy, but i mean- if you drink a soda or
anything it would compensate... pot doesn't draw
raw muscle power out of you).
So, go on - smoke. Please.
by the way, you roidheads that go on saying
"don't do that, why build up just to tear down?"
When you use roids, you build up the outside but
fuck the inside. Everybody knows it's harmful to
take Roids, and i'm not saying "don't use it",
far from, but if your that uptight and your minds
are only into building bigger bodies, maybe you
should stop for a moment and think. If you don't
get drunk - don't go to parties - don't stay out
late cause "it might ruin my meal routine" or
anything like it - i seriously think you should
give it a break.
I might not be as big as you guys, but hey - when
was the last time you got laid? I get my share of
pussy, most of it in combination with alcohol :)
go on. Choose life :)