Re: Going to Mexico/anyone been lately?

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Posted by rob on January 08, 1999 at 23:47:36:

In Reply to: Re: Going to Mexico/anyone been lately? posted by E.A on December 28, 1996 at 17:31:53:

ineedjuice and im getting pissed.where are all these hot fucking european addresses?mexico i dont care laurabolin50 and sost 250 is the shit!
please hook me up!

: : : A friend of mine is going to Mexico in Feb. He is looking for legit pharmacy in Tia.
: : : to purchase some stuff for himself. Anyone have some locations?

: :
: : You should check out Decembers MM2K...

: : It's got a great article on buying in Tia... check it out...

: : Matty

: I don't know if I would go so far as to praise MM2K on that article. When they originally published that article in MM2K in 1992 (the current publication is a reprint), they were blamed by many BBs for drying up the mexican A.S connection. Not only did that cause the Mexican gov't to crack down on the pharmacias (due to pressure from the good ole US of A gov't), the border guards were also alerted to a very serious problem and began looking more closely for mexican steroids.

: This isn't the first time MM2K has been blamed for something like this. Just recently, with their article on overseas pharmacies, they have managed to dry up another invaluable source of A.S. by giving it such a large amount of exposure. It seems to me that ButtPlug (AKA Bill Phillips) did all of this on purpose and knew what the eventual outcome would be. Now, not only are the foolish masses thinking that Buttplug did us all a great favour by giving out this information (going along with BP's supposed PRO-Steroid stance), they are also forced to rely more on his worthless supplements and thus pad the pockets of this scam artist even further. Bill Phillips pro-steroid?? YA RIGHT! He has ingeniously led us to believe that he is in favour of doctor-supervised use of A.S, but has actually done us all a great disservice by exposing the true sources of A.S. Buttplug is one hell of a hypocrate in my books.

: -E.A

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