Re: Feedback on new anabolic board

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Posted by George Spellwin, Director, Elite Fitness on March 26, 1997 at 16:09:19:

In Reply to: Feedback on new anabolic board posted by Mikey Likes It on March 26, 1997 at 03:23:33:

: I posted a message a couple of weeks ago about the stupidity that happens on this board. Now, I'm no AS guru. I'm just here to learn about AS, training, supps, and other things that might help me grow.
: I am, however, a computer guru and have given some thought to a total AS board that will require a password to get in. No cost, nobody asking "Where can I buy Steroids?", none of the stupid shit that happens on this board. If it did, I would just delete their membership and they would have to re-apply. I think that might be enough to deter them from asking stupid questions.
: Give me some feedback and let me know what you think.
: Mr. Spellwin, maybe you could save me the time and incorporate this into what you're doing here. I'm definitely not trying to out do this board in any way.
: Just an idea!!!!!!!

Sounds like a good idea.

What would you think of a private Majordomo mailing list?

Users would send a message to a central address and it would be fwd to everyone's email.

Yours in sport,


Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
Dedicated to the promotion of rapid and safe physique enhancement.
, P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
George Spellwin [email protected]
Research Director phone: 212-946-4547

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