BodyOpus diet and metformin

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Posted by WG on March 25, 1997 at 09:16:10:

According to Duchaine (BodyOpus), when you put your daily diet on 70% fat/30% protein (no more than 30gr carbs), you deplete your glucose levels in a way that forces your body to switch the fuel-burning, from glucose to ketones (ketogenic state). But WHAT IF you, instead of ingesting that ammount of fat, would balance it to, say, 50%/50% and take metformin along the day (around 2500mg) to lower the glucose level, your body should go to ketones anyway, right ?
The idea is: if you would increase the ammount of protein, but staying on ketogenesis, you would be able to burn fat, while packing muscle (supposing you are pumping hard and/or taking some roid). He states somewhere in his book that his diet would help someone to 'lose fat fast while keeping muscle' or 'lose fat steadly while gaining muscle'. Good, but limiting your protein intake you would be impairing your body's ability to pack muscle. And since you have to limit somehow your calories intake (something around 10% below your maintenance level), you shouldn't increase the overal ammount of food taken daily (to increase the protein ammount, while keeping the 70%/30% ratio). For me, it sounds that metformin could play a key role in this respect, allowing you to eat more protein while still running on ketosis.
Vanadyl sulfate would be a solution, but it can't be compared to metformin as insulin-mimicker. Is there anyone able to develop this idea ?


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