Posted by FLATTOP on March 25, 1997 at 01:10:40:
In Reply to: Re: To That Smart-ass "lbg" posted by Steriod Boy on March 24, 1997 at 14:19:16:
: : : Im sick of these silly-ass questions about how to take 10ml's over eight weeks.Get a life!
: : : You gotta do at least 2000mg a week to notice good gains.(GROW UP!!!!!!)
: : not all of us can afford that much you bozo although you do have a great point! However, a person can make good gains on 1000 mg ( maybe less ) if you have the right stuff. Guys i know have won contests with as little as 500 mg per week ( lightweight national level ) whereas another fella was up to 2700 mg per week for 6 weeks to win a local show.
: : Also, try posting just once: it's better for everyone.
: First of all I did post just once if you read the other post you would know that.Second of all your "lightweight-national-gay -buddy is lying to you!
>>>I only know one guy that does 2000mg or better per week during a cycle. He is 6ft 5in and tips the scales at 350lbs. [No, he is NOT fat.] If 2000mg is the benchmark for "pansies", I think that would apply to almost everyone that does AS. 2000mg would turn most men into a walking-talking side effect with fried receptors and a completly empty ball sack. However, if there were a few coins left over [after buying ALL THAT JUICE], you could always use that empty ball sack as a stylish change purse. FOOD FOR TOUGHT.... >FLATTOP<