Re:Tell us how esiclene doesn't work then.....

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Posted by Animal on March 24, 1997 at 01:05:07:

In Reply to: Re:Shoot 'em both...... posted by Lou on March 24, 1997 at 00:04:05:

: Apparently you have very limited knowledge of how
: anabolic steroids work in the human body. Here is
: a short summary of the process. Injectables are
: gradually filtered into the blood stream from the muscle tissue
: after an intramuscular injection. The steroid molecules
: are then transported around THE ENTIRE BODY through the
: blood stream. The molecules then attach to the corresponding
: receptor sites possesed by each of the muscle cells. This creates a
: reaction that stimulates the DNA/RNA to start protein synthesis.
: I have tried to explain this process as basic as possible with
: the hope that you might be able to pick up on some of it. Now
: please explain to me why the receptors at the injection site would
: be any more activated then the receptor sites located anywhere else
: in the body. What is that you say, your precious WAR does not go that
: in depth into the anabolic process. Before you start to correct those
: with true knowledge on the subject (not basic shit read in WAR) you should
: study up on your chemistry, physiology, ect. As far as Animal goes, I do
: not know where he stands on this subject but if he has seen results using this
: technique then it must have been from some other variable in his training or
: nutrition and not necessarily from the site of injection.

Because it does even if only for a limited time. So I guess that shoots that theory. I'm not trying to be a smartass, but not everything or all results can be explained away. The injected into the calves method can work because the oil sits in and/or around the muscle and being that steriods are lipid soluble they can go directly into that muscle. Without being carried throughout the body. How do you think the DMSO method works and why does it stay in the body so long. Because it gets DIRECTLY past the fat cell membrane and into the fat inside the cell. It also will go directly into some of the muscle if it is placed on a low fat area. Also it could be just from inflamation from the injection that enables the steroid to get into the muscle its injected to. Not all blood vessels lead to systemic actions. I understand your reasoning, but there are other possible mechanisms and until someone does a study on it to disprove it, who cares. Some say it works and some don't. It may hurt like a bitch, which it does, but he still gets the systemic benefit no matter what. It will make him a hell of alot tougher once he injects those babys and maybe that will help his intensity in the gym. You never know what you can take until you take the pain. Anarchy in the USA!

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