Posted by The TOWER on March 22, 1997 at 01:10:04:
In Reply to: Re: the Board posted by George Spellwin, Director, Elite Fitness on March 20, 1997 at 23:23:46:
: : : Is there anyway to SCAN (not search) this message board on posts past where it cuts off?
: : : It seems that it gets cut within a day or 2 at the most and If I don't call every day at
: : : a certain time I miss messages.. Can you make it so that it lengthens it by like 50
: : : or 100 messages?
: : : The TOWER
: : A combination of some folks complaining that the
: : board took too long to load and the natural board
: : being out of order has contributed to fewer post
: : being kept while at the same time more people are
: : here posting from the other board? I agree with
: : you and hope its done and the complainers should
: : shut up and count their blessings for having this
: : board. Even on its slowest day it still loads faster
: : than the other one and you dont have to edit your
: : responses. I agree.
: The obvious solution is to visit Elite every day : )!
: No really,
: Thanks AJ, managing the board is really not a science regarding
: how long posts are kept, and it is impossible to keep everyone happy.
: The board has gotten VERY busy as you know and that combined
: with mail bombs can make it crash.
: What would you guys think of a multi-board system covering
: different topics.
: Yours in sport,
: George
: Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
: Dedicated to the promotion of rapid and safe physique enhancement.
: , P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
: George Spellwin [email protected]
: Research Director phone: 212-946-4547
I think having a couple different topics would make things a lot easier. Hopefully
it would help cut down on all the random postings and repeats. How many times have you
read this "Whats the best A.S. to bulk up on", "whats the best workout", etc...
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