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Posted by Al on March 16, 1997 at 00:53:48:

In Reply to: THE BEST posted by Bigjohn on March 14, 1997 at 18:13:58:

: I'm an italian body-builders, and my english is not good, but I ask you, if you help
: me, wich is the best A.S. assolutely. Thank's for all. By.
: Bigjohn.

I would say it has to depend on your goals. If you just want to get huge and strong and don't give a damn about side effects and the like, then go for some oxymetholone (anadrol). Methandrostenolone (dianabol) is good too. If you want to get large with less side effects (less being a relative term), try a testosterone like enanthate or better yet, sustanon, the great one! I love that stuff. On the other hand, if you want solid mass, but without as many side effects, go for deca or primobolan. You won't grow as much one these but they're good, and they don't screw up natural test production like the androgens. Primo is about half as strong as deca I'd say, but I may be way off here. Some grow like crazy on the stuff. This is about the extent of my personal knowledge with roids. Hope this helps. Later.

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