Re:I'm tellin' your mom!!!!! (no msg)

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Posted by Animal on March 15, 1997 at 17:14:39:

In Reply to: SCARED AS HELL!!!!!! (HELP) posted by fucked lineman on March 14, 1997 at 18:19:49:

: ok guys here is the deal. a couple of weeks ago i decided to take steroids so i bought some deca. i took one cc the first week,1 cc the second week then 2cc's the third week.However i then realized that not all of the deca was absorbing correctly because i would get small lumps at the site a week after plus the needle was only 1 inch at i have a fat ass. So since i just wasted 4cc of deca i went to go buy some more and instead bought sostenon and this time used 1 1/2 inch needles in my arm so i now know that it absorbed. now i think i regret doing any steroids at all because i am 16 years old. i am a kid who just wants to do good in football but i am scared of stunting my growth.My question is do you guys think that after those shots of deca and two shots of sostenon in my arm(1cc each being 1 week apart) would be enough to permanantly stunt my growth? if so,then i am already fucked and going to continue my cycle but if not i am definitley waiting until i am older and try my best "naturally" for next there any way i found out if my height is permanantly stunted???? any response will be appreciated

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