Re: To helper or whoever feels like answering

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Posted by LittleBigMan on March 14, 1997 at 16:52:29:

In Reply to: To helper or whoever feels like answering posted by mex inquirer on March 14, 1997 at 16:32:10:

: After extensive reading on AS usage (Phillip's Anabolic Reference Guide) and browsing through most messages posted on this board about first-timers, my mind is up to using injectable Primo depot, bacause of its seemingly soft side effects and its availability down here. On one hand I think it wise to go for a low androgenic drug cycle, for which Primo seems to be the right choice. On the other hand, I've been able to grab some sostenon 250, sten and Primoteston, which brings up my question, Should I design a cycle involving all four formulas? And, would it be wise to use them all four for the first cycle? I am kind of a cautios guy and have been considering AS use since last year. Only some doubting and the lack of straightforward answers around here have stopped me from starting off. Also, no youngster speaking (34), my main concern is for long lasting gains by low risk methods (bet it's everybody's concern). Any advise/coments from you, experienced guys, will be appreciated.

In my opinion, for your first few cycles, you are better off using only one AS at
a time, that way you get an idea of how your body responds to that particular AS.

Primo is a good first start, Sost would be good for the second.
Keep things simple at first.


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