Re: Caffeine / Aspirin / Ephedrine

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Posted by LittleBigMan on March 14, 1997 at 15:17:25:

In Reply to: Caffeine / Aspirin / Ephedrine posted by Big O on March 14, 1997 at 14:21:28:

: How much of each should be taken (mg) for a Caffeine / Aspirin / Ephedrine stack?

Most of the studies seem to be around the 25mg Eph, 200 mg Caff area.
Some studies did not even include aspirin at all, and there was STILL
quite a good effect. It turns out you dont need that much aspirin,
a baby aspirin (80 mg) seems to work fine. I take 1/3 of a normal aspirin
(around 100 mg) per dose.

Why go down in the aspirin? 1-because you dont need that much for it to work,
and 2, because chronic use of aspirin in that dosage can mess up your stomach,
and ALSO lead to excessive bruising, due to the fact that aspirin tends to diminish
the bloods ability to clot.

Thats my 2 cents worth.


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