Posted by George Spellwin, Director, Elite Fitness on March 13, 1997 at 14:36:23:
In Reply to: Hey George- Do you archive ALL the posts? posted by Another Jeff on March 13, 1997 at 14:18:56:
: Even the horsing and goofing around ones or the flame wars that sometimes happen
: or can you edit them and trash the ones that aren't worth saving? (like mine here).
: Just curious.
Although we can and do remove some of the most offensive posts,
basically the indexing and archiving is too complicated to allow us to
review and edit everything. This is why we ask that flame wars be kept to a minimum -- because they usually get indexed and take up lots of space. I encourage those who have not, to read the FAQ for the board.
Also, now that there are over 11,000 pages to Elite Fitness, we are beginning to push the Excite spider to the limits.
FYI, most sites install "bozo filters" that edit bad words -- I prefer that the board remain self policing. It is your board, remember.
Yours in sport,
Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
Dedicated to the promotion of rapid and safe physique enhancement.
, P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
George Spellwin [email protected]
Research Director phone: 212-946-4547