Tribestan as a natural test jump starter?

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Posted by Another Jeff on March 13, 1997 at 11:52:01:

I found a source for tribesterone tribulis (tribestan) that sells this product in bulk
without it being in caps or tabs (you have to make tea with it). They sell it for $9.75
per 100m grams 10% extract (about a month's worth). In discussing with w8lifter, some
questions came up about what part of plant it came from (leaf, root stem fruit etc)
since different parts have different properties and I would only want it if it comes
from the leaf to increase LH and test. Any how w8lifter is checking on it to see if its

My question is- if I go ahead and risk $10 bucks to try it, and get a real good "stiffy"
to sorta hang my hat on (sorry for the pun)- does that mean it works and that LH increased
and elevated my test levels? Is the "stiify" test valid enough to hang my hat on?

If this doesn't work I'm gonna have to make a biz trip to Bulgaria and find some sheep
hearder that molests sheep and grows it by the acre on his farm and maybe make a deal to
buy at .25 cents for a month supply.


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