***Guam Charter Day Bodybuilding Contest Report***

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Posted by Hulkster on March 12, 1997 at 21:12:31:

I just finished helping out at the Guam Charter Day Body Building Contest and I wanted to share with you guys the following observations. (1st Place) The gentleman that took first place, needed to come off his Androgenic Heavy A.S. sooner, his upper ab area was still bloated, great tan, good oil application, great poses during the comparison round, always smiled, pumped up music for his routine. (2nd Place) The gentleman that took second, had better form and overall shape, but no tan and a tattoo over the entire upper back area and with no tan, the tattoo took the attention away from his great shape, great poses, but not aggressive during the pose down. (3rd Place) The gentleman that took third (black athlete) had a good shape , but lacking on the cuts, he was the oldest of the four, too mellow of music used during his routine, too little oil used. (4th Place) The gentleman that took forth, was still in high school, O.K. shape, no tan, not enough oil, non-aggressive on stage, but has potential. The reason I wreason I wanted to write these notes, was to show that for all that effort, time, and diet. The most simplest items are forgot or not given enough thought. A great tan (followed with bronzing oil), lots of baby oil (try your best to keep the posing trunks dry, pick a color that will hide the sweet / oil like black), be aggressive and pump those muscles (don't be bashfull, if that's a problem, stay off the stage). When you walk on stage you're number one, no one else can compare to you, you're HOT and think that way, most importantly smile and practice the poses over and over, before the event (make it look like it's a walk in the park for you!!!) Attention to detail is the KEY!!!! Be careful and watch your back!!! Hulkster

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