Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss the KISS principle (don't over complicate steroids) in this podcast for Evolutionary • What does K.I.S.S stand for • Why people get confused and muddy training, nutrition and, yes, PEDs • How sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective • Why using the KISS approach makes it easier to analyse what works and what … [Read more...] Hardcore 25 – Oral trenbolone and Halotestin PreContest Stacked
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Trenbalone and Halotestin We discuss: • What we think athletes would want from using the oral form of Tren and Halo together • We discuss each drug alone and then as a combination. • Why we'd tweak the doses down from where they'd be if we used them … [Read more...] 517 – Do you need ‘kickstarters’ or ‘finishers’ on cycles?
Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss whether or not we need kickstarts or finishers on cycles • Why the majority of PED users wont see any difference • The theory vs the facts • How it will benefit those competing vs the average gym user • Why tweaking the diet and training aid the end result more • How simply choosing a different AAS, or two, helps more. Link to … [Read more...] Hardcore 24 – Oral trenbolone and Anavar PreContest Stacked
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Tren and Anavar. We discuss: • What we think athletes would want from using the oral form of Tren and Anavar together • We discuss each drug solo • Why we'd tweak the doses down from where they'd be if we used them individually. • Mobster says how much he … [Read more...] 516 – Peptides – Insulin Doses,Cycles,Benefits,Side Effects
Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss Peptides with this one being Insulin doses, cycles, benefits and its side effects • Its medical use for diabetics • The difference between a Type I and Type II diabetic • Its potential lethal use • Whether we'd use it • How important it is for typical users to be on point with their diets • We debate the likely benefits and … [Read more...]