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My friend and fellow bodybuilding guru, Mr. Author L. Rea, author of Building the Perfect Beast, has created what I consider to be the perfect full year steroid cycle for the entry level athlete: The Ultimate First Year Male Cycle. And this week, we\'ve reproduced the cycle with his permission as an excerpt from Mr. Rea\'s hardcore steroid and drug guide Chemical Muscle Enhancement. If you\'ve got a couple of years training under your belt, and are ready to take the plunge, then look no further. This cycle takes a full year, but is guaranteed to transform you into a lean, muscular beast of biblical proportions!
Furthermore, this cycle is ideal for someone who is looking to compete down the road, or equally appropriate for someone who wants to look like a top male model. Best of all, although it lasts a full year, it is really pretty conservative in terms of dosages. But the results are anything but conservative.
Also this week, we\'ve got another cycle that Mr. Rea designed himself using his own designer steroid formulations and that at least for right now, are a little easier to come by. This second cycle uses 4-Hydroxy Testosterone Decanoate, 17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone, Formestane, and 17aa-4-Androstene-3 17-diol. Mr. Rea will explain how to stack these four drugs to promote massive muscle growth. And I\'ll let you in on where to get them fast and cheap.
Here\'s part one (Weeks 1 through 17), next week, we\'ll look at Part Two.
The Ultimate First Year Male Cycle Part One
By Author L. Rea (author of Chemical Muscle Enhancement and Building the Perfect Beast)
Week #1 | Week #2 | Week #3 | Week #4 | Week #5 | Week #6 | Week #7 | Week #8 | Week #9 | Week #10 | Week #11 | Week #12 | |
Deca | 200 mg/w | 200 mg/w | 200 mg/w | 200 mg/w | ||||||||
Prim. Dep. | 200 mg/w | 200 mg/w | 200 mg/w | 200 mg/w | ||||||||
Oxan dro- lone | 25 mg/d | 30 mg/d | 35 mg/d | 35 mg/d | ||||||||
Week #13 | Week #14 | Week #15 | Week #16 | Week #17 | ||||||||
Deca | U/b/t | 400 mg/w | ||||||||||
Diana- bol | 20 mg/d |
In a perfect bodybuilding world, anabolic/androgenic steroids (AAS) would have no negative side effects, would be free and legal without prescription, and athletes would use a great deal of intelligence while administrating them under medical supervision. (Also restaurants would feed us for free, but it\'s just a dream anyway) However, in the real world the dream is just a dream except in some of the more enlightened countries. I write the following examples for discussion purposes only and based on personal and reported experiences. These examples are not meant to be a guide or endorsement. They are not even a form of justification. They are simply facts experienced for better or worse by others. So no nasty letters, okay!?
Most reported first time AAS user were noted as wise to have at least 2-3 years of serious hard-core training experience before considering their first cycle. This point makes a great deal of sense and would be quite important when speaking of long term success and progress. First, untrained muscle does not respond very well to AAS. It takes time to acquire a good foundation in overall musculature, and an adequate series of neurological pathways between the brain and the individual muscle groups. It takes time to make this mind/muscle connection just as it takes time to learn to write and control your bladder. Okay, for those doubters…have you ever watched a first time squatter? Second, trained muscle contains more androgen, GH, and insulin (several others as well) receptors and more area to be potentially affected by AAS. Third, an untrained body has not developed the ability to deal with training induced waste by-products. How could it deal with AAS as well? Last, to use AAS before reaching training and growth plateaus was noted as a guaranteed method of limiting gains that could have been made physically and psychologically in the long run. In short, do not be a sissy, put your time in. Learn to train, eat, rest and diet first and foremost. Most athletes find that they are more than content with the progress they make without the inclusion of drugs. Fact, deal with it!
*I realize some experienced individuals will look at cycle examples and laugh at the lower dosages listed. This would likely be those who have joined the 4000mg weekly club and impaired their health and androgen receptors proteins severely. (Due to prolonged "over-stimulation" not "down-regulation") For these individuals, Blitz Cycles and Max Androgen Phases were reported to be the best results producing AAS based cycles left. In truth, most steroids work best, with the least side effects, when multiple AAS were stacked or, even better, rotated. This helped to avoid the adaptive response of the body (Action/Reaction Factors) while increasing effectiveness and decreasing negative side effects. After only a few weeks, many AAS became notably less effective anyway.
As in most things in life there are many variations to common themes to which each individual prescribes. However, there are also many factors of commonality that the majority agrees upon which can not be denied due to experience. The following reported cycle explanations and examples were a result of the latter and are not meant as a guide in any way.
(*See "First Year Male Examples" chart also)
First Year Male Example Cycles week 1-4:
First a series of urine and blood test were performed by a health care professional: HDL/LDL, BLOOD CELL COUNTS (CBC), LYMPHOCYTE, HEMOGLOBIN, and other health indicators including BLOOD PRESSURE were evaluated. Getting a copy of the results was always my goal for future comparisons. I would did this about 5 weeks after each cycle and again 2 months later if any results had altered negatively. Creating a training log containing: diet, training, cycles/effects good and bad was a must, of course.
The most common first cycle was brief (week #1-4). Deca Durabolin, 200-mg every 7th day. For those who were under 200-LBS, this short cycle provided good strength gains with lasting lean mass gains which were be mostly maintained after discontinuance of the AAS. Deca is a strong anabolic/moderately androgenic drug that promotes a high rate of protein synthesis. For this reason, a high protein intake of 1-2-g per LB of body weight daily was a must. Average total calorie intake was 18-20 calories per pound of body weight daily. Since the dosage was low and the cycle short, anti-estrogens were not utilized nor was there need for HPTA stimulating compounds post-cycle. According to available literature, Deca is very liver friendly (as is all Nandrolones) so toxicity was not an issue.
First year male examples weeks 9-12:
The second cycle most commonly employed was a bit more aggressive than this but personally I used Primobolan Depot 100-mg twice weekly (Mon. & Thurs) stacked with Oxandrolone SPA. This cycle provided good strength gains and improved muscle mass with quality. However, my main goal was to harden the new mass acquired from my first cycle. Oxandrolone provided an increase in Phosphocreatine (CP) production and storage which translated into an increase in strength and improved nitrogen balance. The strong anabolic qualities of Primobolan Depot improved lean muscle mass to a respectable degree. I gained 6-8 LBS of lean mass during this brief cycle with improved body composition. Again, anti-estrogens were not necessary nor were HPTA stimulating compounds. This was due to Oxandrolone\'s lack of aromatization at any dosage. It also did not decrease HPTA function which was commonly confirmed by my own and other reported experiences. Primobolan Depot does not aromatize either and only slightly decreased HPTA function at higher dosages. I utilized a diet providing 1.5-2g of protein and 18-20 calories per pound of body weight daily. Post-cycle retention of new quality mass excellent.
*Oxandrolone is a c17-Alfa-alkylated compound and liver toxic in high dosages. However, in low-moderate dosages for brief periods, toxicity is low-moderate. Primobolan Depot is only slightly liver toxic when administered in higher dosages.
If you\'re not familiar with Mr. Author L. Rea, I strongly encourage you to check out his two steroid books: Chemical Muscle Enhancement and Building the Perfect Beast.
Chemical Muscle Enhancement is the steroid book that shows you how you can safely take the drugs used by today\'s mass monsters to create the cartoon-proportioned, superhero physique that most men will only dream of. Better still, there\'s special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 hours only.
Building the Perfect Beast is the first and ONLY book for the ADVANCED steroid user.
If you have been using steroids or other muscle enhancing drugs and supplements for over 2 years. Or if you have hit your plateau and just can\'t seem to gain any more muscle mass or strength. Or if you have tried pretty much everything and still can\'t seem to get "ripped to the bone" and stay lean YEAR ROUND. Or if you are tired of wasting more time, money and energy on your "gear" and workouts only to look the same, year after year, without any real significant progress. Then you need to read Building the Perfect Beast. And, there\'s special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 hours only too.
Last week, I wrote about four new designer steroids that Mr. Rea developed himself in his private laboratory. They are:
- Testosterone-OH™ (4-Hydroxy Testosterone Decanoate)
- Oxanavar™(17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17aa-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol)
And all are highly prized by bodybuilders because they can promote massive muscle growth and enable you to get as BIG as humanly possible in just a few short weeks.
This week, Mr. Rea has allowed us to publish several hardcore Bulking and Cutting cycles that uses a stack of his new designer roids. This is the same cycle that he uses with many of the athletes that he trains.
Are they legal? Technically speaking, they are legal at the present time, but they are scheduled to be banned in the near future. In fact, their legal status is in such question that once the current supply runs out, probably by the end of , if not sooner, there won\'t be any more made. Ever. You can check pricing and availability here.
Author L. Rea\'s Bulking & Cutting Designer Steroid Stacks Virtually anyone who trains seriously with weights, wants to put on lots of size ... but the problem is that we all want to be "big AND ripped" at the same time. Unfortunately, the body doesn\'t work like that. Unless you are genetically gifted or you are a total beginner, you will not be able to put on lots of muscle and really cut down on your body fat at the SAME time. So generally, it\'s best to alternate between cycles which "bulk" you up where you put on lots of muscle and a little bit of fat. Then next, you\'ll do a cycle to reduce your bodyfat so you can expose this newly gained muscle with a "cutting" cycle.
Truth is, whether you are trying to bulk or cut up, diet is probably the most important aspect of it all. BUT, being on the correct drugs will make the cycle MUCH MORE effective, which is our goal. Basically, the right stuff will allow you to put on more muscle than fat when "gaining" or "bulking". And when cutting, they will allow you to drop mostly fat, while retaining all the muscle. Make sense, right? Normally, if you try and "bulk" without the use of supplements, you will put on around 1-2 pound of muscle for every pound of fat. A 1-to-1 ratio or a little better. But with the correct supplements, you\'ll be able to put on 3-4 lbs of muscle for every pound of fat. More of a 3-to-1 ratio, which is ideal. Now, we run into the same problem when dieting and trying to get cut. Doing it without supplements, most people will lose 1 pound of muscle for every pound of fat. Again, a 1-to-1 ratio. But with supplements, you can lose 2-3 pounds of fat for every pound of muscle. Again, a much more favorable ratio. Hence, after a few bulk and cut cycles, you\'ll put on more muscle than fat ... and melt off more fat then muscle so at the end, there is a NET gain of pure, no-fat muscle mass - which is our ultimate goal!
The body\'s goal is to stay in homeostasis all the time ... which basically means, "stay the same" and not fluctuate too much. Your body is very good at adapting. In fact, that is the body\'s main survival mechanism. Now, the problem with being on a specific cycle, diet or workout routine for extended periods of time is your body will adapt after 2-4 weeks and whatever program, routine or protocol that you are following will pretty much stop working very well. In fact, the reason most people look the same at the gym, year in and year out is they follow the same program and routine all the time. They never "mix" things up and SHOCK the body in order to achieve NEW results. So, if you want to gain muscle and/or lose fat ... you need to change your program once every 2-4 weeks to keep your body on its "toes" and guessing and hence, GROWING and CHANGING to reach your goal.
Below are 3 levels of cycles for the beginner, intermediate and advanced users who want to continually gain muscle, while minimizing fat gains. Basically, we are going to alternate a 4-week bulking cycle with a 4 week cutting cycle. As soon as your body begins to adapt to the bulking and wants to stop growing, because it is tired and burned out (remember, building new muscle tissue is a lot of work for the body), you go in to the cutting cycle. Then, once again, your body will adapt to the cutting cycle and you will most likely stop losing fat and start losing more muscle. Now is the time to change things around again and go the opposite direction. In fact, this is why most diets stop working ... after a few weeks, the body adapts and says "screw you ... we need this fat for survival ... so no more fat loss. We\'re just gonna burn up your muscle now!" Similar to workout routines ... You tend to get stronger and sore after a new workout for the first few weeks and then things plateau out. Can you see a pattern? Of course, this is the same with your supplements as well. Your body become more efficient at utilizing them and breaking down your supplements and drugs and hence, they don\'t work like they did the first few weeks. The secret is to stay one step ahead of your body\'s adaptation processesat all times.
Okay, let\'s make sense out of it all and get you started ASAP. Each of the cycles below are 10-weeks in length. 4 weeks bulk, then maintenance, followed by 4 weeks cutting, then maintenance again and then move to the next cycle. Of course, if you feel you are an Intermediate and not Beginner, then please begin with the Intermediate cycle plan. But they all basically follow the same formula ... and it works something like this:
It\'s not really complicated and makes perfect sense once you look at the science and logic behind such a diet/workout/cycle routine. But what counts is that it WORKS, keeps you injury free and keeps the body AND mind fresh and having fun because things are always changing around. As always, please keep in mind that the below cycles are only examples for you to follow or emulate. As individuals vary, so will results and effects ... so please pay close attention and increase and decrease dosages when you feel the need to do so. Keep in mind that these designer steroids are about 70%-80% as effective, dosage wise, when compared to their original counterparts. Therefore, if you normally take 700 mgs of Testosterone Cypionate weekly, you will need to take about 1000 mgs of Testosterone-OH™ to see similar effects. Also, take note that since there will NOT be any Estrogen related side effects such as water retention and bloat with our Testosterone-OH™, your gains will be PURE muscle.
Below begins a simple cycle for the novice user. There is no need to use higher dosages if you respond well to the lower ones. So, we start you off low and raise it as your body adapts ... which is usually about once every 14-21 days for the average person. Once you have finished this sample 10-week cycle, please take off 4 full weeks before proceeding to the intermediate cycle.
After a 4 week "off" period, you will be ready to begin the intermediate cycle. It is highly advisable to also take Aromabolan P.C.T.™ (Formestane) again for another two weeks at 200 mgs (1 ml), twice weekly similar to weeks 5 and 6. Depending on how well your body responded to the dosage pattern in the beginner cycle, you must raise or lower dosages accordingly in this intermediate stack. Please keep in mind that with each new cycle, newer muscle gains will be harder and harder to accumulate and hence, why we need to consistently increase dosages to support and acquire new muscle tissue. Once again, after you finish the intermediate 10-week cycle, please take 4 full weeks off before proceeding to the advanced cycle.
After a 4 week "off" period, you will be ready to begin the intermediate cycle. It is highly advisable to also take Aromabolan P.C.T.™ (Formestane) again for another two weeks at 200 mgs (1 ml), twice weekly similar to weeks 5 and 6. At this point, a total of 28 weeks will have gone by since you first started your beginner cycle. So, your body is beginning to reach its upper limits and you will need to once again, increase dosages. If you\'ll notice, the Beginner and Intermediate cycles are pretty much the same, other then the total dosage used. Again, this is because almost anything works at this stage and there is no need to get "fancy" or complicated ... a simple increase in dosage will result in added muscle tissue. You should also note that the dosages increase even more during the cutting cycle and that\'s because (A) after so many weeks of being "on", you will need to really "kick it up a notch" for those last remaining weeks to keep the muscle you\'ve gained and (B), while dieting, you tend to produce less natural hormones and hence, the increase in dosages compensate for this. But as already stated, individuals and their results DO vary, so please adjust your dosages accordingly. Now, once you have finish this advanced cycle, you should take off a full 6 weeks. At this point, you will most likely be able to create your own protocols, cycles and stacks as you will be experienced enough to know how your body responds.
Please also continue with the Aromabolan (Formestane) for 6 weeks post cycle to keep your testicles working and retain as much muscle as possible. Then go ahead and take an extended 2-3 months off and begin cycling on your own as you\'ll know what works and what doesn\'t by this point. One last note ... some may think the above dosages, especially the ending weeks, are on the "high" side ... but that\'s what you\'ll NEED to KEEP growing. Now, if you are growing too fast ... or you feel like you are starting to have side effects, then by all means, REDUCE the dosages. Again, this is feedback for the advanced user who has gained 20+ pounds of muscle by this point. Good luck, be safe and please make sure you read each and every FAQ. Here\'s the quick links to the the four steroid profiles:
Here\'s the quick links to more of my cycles: |
Remember, as I mentioned above, the legal status of these designer steroids is in such question that once the current supply runs out, sometime in , there won\'t be any more. Here\'s a link where you can check pricing and availability.
[sc:signoff-std]Author L. Rea presents...
The 10 Week Anabolic Enhancement Guide
Normally $49 - FREE until the end of for Elite Fitness Members!
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