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Since 1996 when was launched, we have been proud to publish the most controversial body of bodybuilding and anabolic steroid information ever assembled in one location.
This week, it gives me great pleasure to announce the updated "News & Articles" section of the site. In this email, you\'ll find all of the most interesting stories and articles that we have published in the last six months in our weekly Elite Fitness News emails -- and it\'s entirely free! Our recent articles include underground info all about:
How to inject muscle mass.
Building a perfect beast with Insulin.
Your balls, post cycle, turn your "boys" back into "men",
Do-it-yourself injectable liposuction.
Illegal Erection Drugs.
How take drugs to cum like a porn star.
A new diet pill that gives you a tan and a boner too.
How to foil the feds.
New research chemicals.
Bodybuilding magazine cover ups.
Developing tremendous balls.
Whether you missed last weeks Elite Fitness News about the legality of research chemicals, or if you missed Author L. Rea\'s article on how to take the drugs used by today\'s mass monsters, you\'ll find it all here.
You\'ll also find excerpts from my hardcore anabolic steroid guide Chemical Wizardry -- including articles on how bodybuilders are using and making GHB, Finaplix, Anavar, and Clenbuterol!
We have reference information like the calorie and nutritional profiles for all foods. And we list the glycemic index of all foods. You\'ll find pictures and profiles of our members, articles on training, and esoteric stuff like secrets for getting testosterone from your doctor.
Please visit and check out News & Articles, or take a look at some of the very best Elite Fitness News articles below.
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