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I was reading an interesting article on Yahoo tonight about how the Rock put on 30 pounds of muscle for his upcoming role in Fast Five. Unfortunately, like many Yahoo articles, this piece was pretty vague and didn't really give much insight into how the Rock slapped on the extra muscle to play his role.
But the article did give this little tidbit, "Johnson stuck to a diet and workout routine that involves weightlifting, curls and a low-carb diet." The article also continued by saying, "For Fast Five, Johnson (the Rock) has nearly returned to his hulking size circa his WWF/E days. Focusing on his abs with weight work and a strict six-day-a-week diet (he gives himself one cheat day), The Rock has returned to a muscle mass that makes him more than a match for his very-physical onscreen showdown with Vin Diesel."
Personally, I wasn't initially excited when I saw the trailer for Fast Five. But knowing that the Rock put this much work into getting himself ready physically has me wanting to see the movie a little bit more now. Plus it will be fun to compare the pale and always-puny Paul Walker to the Rock while they're both onscreen.
Anyways, here is a look at the aforementioned article if you want to take a look.
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