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I just got done reading about a really interesting contest in Karachi, Pakistan where guys lift 80 kg - 90 kg stones onto platforms. If you've seen World's Strongest Man, you're probably familiar with the Atlas Stones, which is pretty much the same thing.
However, the Atlas Stones in WSM don't have quite the back story that the stone lifting competition in Karachi has. According to tradition, men in the bride's family used to throw 80 kg stones on the ground and the groom would be forced to pick them up and set the stones on a pedestal. If the groom couldn't lift the stones onto a pedestal, it was considered a huge insult to their manhood. Even worse, the wedding could be delayed or canceled after such a failure.
As a bodybuilder, sometimes I wish we had the same type of competitions around because I'm tired of seeing lightweight weenies walking around with hot girls. I would love to see some of these pricks try and lift 80 kg stones onto pedestals.
Sure this sound pretty meatheadish, but it's annoying to see some skinny, cocky shrimp get the girl when he can't even bench his own body weight.....let alone lift these stones.
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