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Preventing Liver Toxicity from Oral Steroids
Why Oral Steroids?
Anabolic steroids can be delivered into your system through one of two ways:
1) Injecting them deep into a muscle.
2) Ingesting them orally.
Injectable steroids come in a sterile, oil-based preparation and should be injected “intramuscularly” using a syringe and needle.
Ingestible steroids (a.k.a. “orals”) usually come in capsule or pill form. In some cases, orals also come in a liquid form that you can drink.
Some athletes favor oral steroids because they don’t require painful injections, and they’re extremely fast-acting. Since oral anabolic steroids have a short half-life of less than 24 hours, you notice their effects faster and put on muscle within the first 1-2 weeks.
Although effective, the problem with oral steroids is that they’re more toxic than injectables, especially when concerning your liver. The danger of liver damage is the primary reason why many experts recommend that you only use oral steroids for less than 6 weeks at a time. If you continue reading until the end of this article, you’ll learn how to safely use N2Guard with oral steroids without damaging your organs.
Oral and Injectable Steroids in the Same Cycle?
Orals are often stacked with injectable steroids to serve as a “kick-starter” in a cycle. The term kick-starter refers to how oral steroids provide fast muscle and strength gains at the beginning of a cycle. In contrast, longer-acting injectable esters can take 4-6 weeks before delivering you noticeable results.
A common kick-starter is 4-6 weeks of Dianabol or Turinabol at 30-40mg per day. This provides immediate muscle gains, which will be maintained or even improved when the injectable gear kicks in.
Not all athletes stack orals and injectables together in a steroid cycle. Some use oral-only cycles, such as Anavar at 40-60mg/day for 6-8 weeks. This is a popular choice among inexperienced steroid users who want to avoid painful injections.
Those who want big muscle gains on a budget can use a 6-week cycle of Dianabol. But if you go in this direction, be sure to use an aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle to minimize water retention and estrogen conversion.
Are Oral Steroids Toxic to the organs?
Oral steroids are C17-Alpha Alkylated (C17-aa), which refers to a structural change in the hormone at the 17th carbon position. The reason for this modification is to help the drugs survive the first pass through the liver, where they can enter your system and provide benefits.
But the downside is that the C17-aa modification also makes oral steroids toxic to the liver. Due to the liver toxicity, oral steroid usage should be limited to a maximum of 8 weeks.
You may fear using orals at all, given that they’ll produce negative effects on your liver, even when taken responsibly. But the good news is that the liver is a remarkable organ that’s able to heal and rejuvenate itself.
Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean you should take any chances. In order to be a responsible steroid user, you should supplement with a liver aid that provides all the building blocks needed to restore and repair your liver during and after oral steroid usage.
N2Guard is the most-popular liver support product in the steroid world. In fact, no serious bodybuilder does an oral cycle without it.
If you use oral steroids in a responsible fashion, your liver enzyme levels will only slightly increase on cycle, and return to normal levels shortly after use is discontinued.
Beyond supplementing with a liver aid like N2Guard during and after your cycle, you should also avoid any other activities that may be stressful to your liver, including some medications and excessive alcohol consumption.
Why protecting your liver during a steroid cycle is Important.
Weighing just over one kilogram, the liver is a complex organ that processes virtually everything you eat, drink, breathe in, or rub on your skin.
To give you an idea of the liver's critical roles, here’s a list of some of its functions:
1. Cleanses blood.
2. Regulates the supply of glucose.
3. Oxidizes stored adipose tissue (fat) into energy through transport to the mitochondria.
4. Manufactures essential body proteins involved in transporting substances in the blood, clotting the blood, and providing resistance to infection.
5. Regulation of sex hormones, thyroid hormones, cortisone, and adrenal hormones.
6. Regulation of the body’s cholesterol.
7. Production of bile salt, which immobilizes fatty acids and eliminates toxic substances from the body.
8. Regulation of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron and copper.
Keep in mind that the liver is your body’s primary fat-burning organ, and it regulates important sex hormones such as testosterone. A healthy and well-functioning liver will make fat-loss and muscle-building goals much easier to achieve.
If you follow a well laid-out diet and training protocol, yet still aren’t achieving your bodybuilding goals, liver toxicity might be the culprit.
What You can Do to Keep Your Liver Healthy.
The simplest things you can do to keep your liver healthy include: avoiding excessive alcohol consumption; following a healthy diet; getting regular exercise; and avoiding certain medications if possible.
Cholesterol drugs and the painkiller Tylenol (acetaminophen) can hurt your liver if taken in excess. Beyond this, it’s essential that you use a proper liver aid during and after taking oral steroids.
N2Guard is the motherload of all support supplements since it not only protects your health, but also the muscle gains you make on cycle. Each bottle of N2Guard contains 210 capsules packed with over 40 very potent ingredients. During the cycle, you must take 7 capsules per day, and each bottle should last 30 days at this rate.
Here’s a comprehensive list of the benefits that N2Guard offers you both during and after your steroid cycle:
1. Protects liver from damage due to use of oral steroids.
2. Keeps water retention to a minimum.
3. Regulates blood pressure.
4. Balances cholesterol levels.
5. Cleanses the kidneys of steroid metabolites and excessive protein consumption.
6. Clears out androgen receptors, making your next cycle more effective.
7. Cleanses the blood from toxins and harmful metabolites.
8. Maintains healthy reproductive, skeletal and digestive systems.
Click here to see real user blood work showing no elevation of liver enzymes when using oral steroids and supplementing with N2Guard
Taking N2Guard with every cycle is the insurance policy your body needs to make sure you stay healthy and can continue cycling steroids for many years to come. N2Guard also provides a therapeutic treatment to reverse some of the side effects from previous steroid abuse, without using a liver aid on cycle.
Of course, being a responsible steroid user and being pro-active is always the best way to minimize side effects. But it’s still in your best interest to take N2Guard with every cycle to prevent liver toxicity and other side effects.
N2Guard is being used by hundreds of thousands of chemically enhanced athletes across the world, and its popularity is growing exponentially as word of mouth spreads about this product’s incredible effects. You should never run a steroid cycle without using proper protection since no amount of muscle will be worth your life. Use N2Guard with every single steroid cycle and give yourself the assurance that you will stay healthy during your cycle and beyond.
Click here to get N2Guard right now and start using it to protect your Liver and other organs during your steroid intake.
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