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Yesterday, I sent you the first of a two part excerpt from Chemical Muscle Enhancement by the new anabolic steroid Guru Author L. Rea. The excerpt "Getting Huge Takes A Huge Set Of Balls" is about, well, it\'s about your testicles. More than that, it\'s about how taking care of them during and after a steroid cycle is key for building and KEEPING more muscle that you ever dreamed possible when your on the juice. Neglecting them, like most athletes do, is the reason why many athletes make impressive gains initially, and end up keeping next to nothing when the cycles over. This week, in part two, Mr. Rea shares the best cycle for huge muscle gains without testicular trouble and the post cycle formula for making those gains permanent and turning your "boys" back into "men"!
Here\'s a link in case you missed part one of the Chemical Muscle Enhancement excerpt "Getting Huge Takes A Huge Set Of Balls Part One." And here\'s a link to the article, "Phenomenal Muscle Building Anabolics IGF-1 and cousin DES (1-3) IGF-1" which ran earlier this week and is about IGF-1 an extreme anabolic, more so than GH or Insulin and its cousin Des (1-3) IGF-1 - over 10 times (1000%) more anabolic than IGF-1.
Before Mr. Rea explains how if you want to get huge and stay huge you need to give your balls some attention. Let me briefly tell you a little about why you should listen to him. Mr. Rea is the author of the new book Chemical Muscle Enhancement. To say that this book is a quantum leap forward in the study and real world application of anabolic pharmacology for transforming you into a muscular freak of nature would be an understatement.
If you want to learn how you can apply bodybuilding biochemistry for genetically transforming your body, you owe it to your self to invest in a copy of his instantly downloadable eBook. Better still, today and for the next 72 hours only, you\'ll save 20% off the $49.95 price that everybody else has to pay, and you get 18 bonus sections not available in the hardcover for free. These bonus reports are valued at over $660 and for the next 72 hours, there absolutely free! Here\'s a link where you can discover Chemical Muscle Enhancement!
And now without further delay...
Getting Huge Takes A Huge Set Of Balls -- Part Two
As we learned last week, many a cycle unfortunately results in Shrunken Nuts Syndrome. But this is completely unnecessary to a great degree. Please remember that the hormone controlled pathways leading to testosterone synthesis and release by the testes is a chain of hormonal events delivering messages:
- Hypothalamus secretes GnRH
- GnRH tells the pituitary gland to release LH and FSH
- LH tells the testes to synthesize and release testosterone and FSH tells the testes to produce sperm.
There are many post cycle strategies employed by chemically enhanced athletes intended to regenerate HPTA function and therefore result in normal or above testosterone production. Of course this should include a return to normal sized testes and sperm production as well. Some of these strategies work quite well thus allowing for a significant amount of post-cycle lean mass retention and progress. And of course, others only cause more problems.
Before we continue, it is important that reader realize that the body is a complex organism that is closely regulated by Action/Reaction Factors intended to hold us in homeostasis. Homeostasis is simply a condition of no change and Action/Reaction Factors are the metabolic events that attempt to maintain it. As example, consider what happens when we introduce exogenous testosterone in a dosage that significantly exceeds what is considered normal by our bodies. We have introduced a substance that will trigger a significant anabolic action to which the body will counter-act with its own reaction. The action is an increase in lean tissue protein synthesis with a repartitioning effect that drives calories away from fat cells and toward muscle tissue.
Since this is a deviation from the normal perceived homeostasis the body begins its counter attack as a reaction once it catches on. In most situations the body requires about two weeks to realize that a significant alteration in a hormone level has occurred. This is the point of initial significant reaction as well. The increase in circulatory estrogens acts as a messenger that tells the hypothalamus to reduce or stop the release of GnRH. As you know by now, this is a negative feedback loop that shuts down the whole "make testosterone, sperm and let\'s party" HPTA pathway beginning at the very source.
Naturally the use of anti-estrogens and non-aromatizing AAS dramatically decrease the negative feedback loop during an AAS cycle, but there is another issue to consider as well. Through neuronet input the HPTA is able to sense androgenic activity to some extent. In short this simply means that when androgen levels are high the over stimulation of various receptors in the brain results in a message from the nervous system that tells the HPTA to decrease androgen production as well. Since the body cannot differentiate between androgens it makes itself and those administered, it readily believes that any elevation is controllable by shutting down the HPTA and does just that. Of course after a prolonged period of shut down the result is Shrunken Nuts Syndrome.
With that bit of information in mind let’s look at a protocol that accounts for the appropriate time frames and Action/Reaction Factors with a specific intent of lean mass gain and long-term post-cycle lean mass retention. (Get Huge/Stay Huge... and have a set to show as well)
Prevention Phase
1. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/Methandrostenolone 40mg |
2. Methandrostenolone 40mg |
3. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/Methandrostenolone 40mg |
4. Methandrostenolone 40mg |
5. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/Methandrostenolone 30mg |
6. Methandrostenolone 30mg |
7. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ Methandrostenolone 30mg |
8. Methandrostenolone 30mg |
9. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg |
10. |
11. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg |
12. |
13. Testosterone Cypionate 250mg |
14. Lupron Depot 3.75mg |
15. Testosterone Cypionate 150mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 100mg |
16. |
17. Testosterone Cypionate 100mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 150mg |
18. |
19. Testosterone Cypionate 50mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg |
20. |
21. Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg |
22. Fluoxymesterone 20mg |
23. Fluoxymesterone 25mg |
24. Fluoxymesterone 25mg |
25. Fluoxymesterone 30mg |
26. Fluoxymesterone 30mg |
27. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
28. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
*Arimidex 0.5mg day 1-28
Testosterone aromatizes heavily and nandrolone has progesterone-like activity. This means both of the long acting injectable AAS employed in this example have the negative reaction of direct HPTA down-regulation. Since methandrostenolone aromatizes to a sort of super-girl estrogen it too inhibits HPTA function, but by adding it to the front of the protocol for a brief period it allows an athlete to create a rapid increase in circulating androgens as the slower acting testosterone cypionate begins to disperse from the administration-site. This allows for a more even circulatory androgen profile with overlapping variations in activity derived from each different AAS. As most are aware the body begins significant adaptation to most any chemical alteration after about two weeks. By employing the AAS progression there is a respectable reduction in adaptation and progress occurs at a greater rate with fewer negative reactions to deal with.
Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) is a non-aromatizing androstane AAS and derivative of DHT. As such it has no direct effect upon HPTA down-regulation. Though it should be noted that it does create some degree of neuro-net activity. (Ever stood in a long grocery store line with someone on 50mg a day of Halo?) This allows an athlete to employ HPTA stimulating chemistry at this point with less counter productive estrogen to deal with, yet still increase lean tissue mass of a more permanent nature.
Lupron Depot is a synthetic analog of naturally occurring GnRH. As you will recall, GnRH is the hormone the hypothalamus releases to tell the pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH thus resulting in testosterone and sperm production by the testes. It has an active-life of about 4 weeks. In clinical applications Lupron Depot is used to "shut down" HPTA function. (Huh?) Yup! Please bear with me, as this is one of those important little things. Anytime any gland in the HPTA is continuously stimulated to release a hormone the initial result is an increase in endogenous testosterone and sperm production... for the first 15-18 days. At that point the body begins to react significantly to our chemically induced action by shutting down the receptors that receive the hormone/message. This means that, for a time, the line of communication is shut off. The result is a decrease or total shutdown for natural testosterone and sperm production.
And The Light Bulb Goes On.
So we have the HPTA inhibition from aromatizing AAS use in this example reaching a point of significance at about day 15-18. Due to this the body shuts down natural GnRH production in an attempt to reduce circulatory androgen and estrogen levels. This means that the employment of Lupron Depot (a synthetic GnRH analog) has about a two week delay in action as it takes that period of time for the pituitary to react as a result of the prolonged period it has been in shut down mode. Action/Reaction, remember? For those who hate to do the math the result is a significant increase in endogenous testosterone and sperm production beginning about day 27-29 that will peak at about day 41-43... when the last of the Lupron Depot clears the system. Perfect timing for the next phase!
Support Phase
29. Fluoxymesterone 35mg/Methenolone Enanthate 200mg |
30. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
31. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
32. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
33. Fluoxymesterone 35mg/Methenolone Enanthate 200mg |
34. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
35. Fluoxymesterone 35mg |
36. Fluoxymesterone 20mg/Oxandrolone 25mg |
37. Fluoxymesterone 20mg/Oxandrolone 25mg/Methenolone Enanthate 200mg |
38. Fluoxymesterone 10mg/Oxandrolone 37.5mg |
39. Fluoxymesterone 10mg/Oxandrolone 37.5mg |
40. Oxandrolone 50mg |
41. Oxandrolone 50mg/Methenolone Enanthate 200mg |
42. Oxandrolone 50mg |
43. Oxandrolone 50mg |
44. Oxandrolone 50mg |
45. Oxandrolone 50mg/Methenolone Enanthate 200mg |
46. Oxandrolone 50mg/HCG 2000iu |
47. Oxandrolone 50mg |
48. Oxandrolone 50mg/HCG 2000iu |
49. Oxandrolone 50mg |
50. Oxandrolone 50mg/HCG 2000iu |
51. Oxandrolone 50mg |
52. Oxandrolone 50mg/HCG 2000iu/Clomid 50mg 2xd |
53. Oxandrolone 50mg/Clomid 50mg 2xd |
54. Oxandrolone 50mg/HCG 2000iu/Clomid 50mg 2xd |
55. Oxandrolone 50mg/Clomid 50mg 2xd |
56. Oxandrolone 50mg/HCG 2000iu/Clomid 50mg 2xd |
*Day 57-66 Clomid 50mg daily
*Day 53-56 Proviron 50mg 2 times daily
Neither Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan Depot) nor Oxandrolone has much effect one way or the other on the HPTA in moderate dosages. Neither aromatizes and neither is very androgenic. However both are very anabolic, which means good solidification of lean tissue gained during the prior phase and good post-cycle retention if the HPTA is functioning normally or above.
HCG maintains a half-life of about 64 hours. This means that the last administration in this example would result in a total activity period of about 14 days. HCG mimics LH in that it stimulates "just the testes" to produce testosterone and, to a lesser degree, sperm. Since there has been only about a 2-week period of significant shutdown this is rather easily accomplished (when real methenolone is used). By first bringing the testes back into play the period of stimulation to the hypothalamus and pituitary can be greatly reduced. This allows for, again, fewer negative reactions to deal with. As you will remember, if you did not skip the science geek part of this article, there is an S & M binding team that deactivates androgen molecules in the blood stream. Though they too play an important role in the growth equation, there is a problem that arises during AAS employment. The body increases the amount of SHBG significantly. The result post-cycle is an over-binding effect upon the increased endogenous testosterone production. |
If left unchecked post-cycle, the result would be additional muscle tissue loss simply due to a much higher percentage of the natural circulating androgens being bound and inactive. Remember; only unbound androgen molecules are active and can induce an anabolic/androgenic response. Proviron is an anti-aromatase that has some androgenic value. It is also a powerful SHBG binder that allows the circulator androgens to run around unabated.
Clomid is an anti-estrogen that has hypothalamic and pituitary stimulating qualities. Since it protects both from circulatory estrogens with a notable GnRH, LH and FSH stimulatory value the result is normal or above production and of course, no Shrunken Nuts Syndrome and comical bedroom moments to not share with your friends and family. Oh yeah, and lots of new mass is a plus to consider as well, huh?
If you want to read the rest of Chemical Muscle Enhancement right now, and if you want to learn how you can apply bodybuilding biochemistry for genetically transforming your body, you owe it to yourself to invest in a copy of Author L. Rea\'s instantly downloadable eBook. Better still, today and for the next 72 hours only, you\'ll save 20% off the $49.95 price that everybody else has to pay, and you get 18 bonus sections not available in the hardcover for free. These bonus reports are valued at over $660 and for the next 72 hours, they are absolutely free. Here\'s a link where you can discover Chemical Muscle Enhancement!
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"Several books are available that purport to be guides for producing massive physiques using various anabolic drugs. Most of these books are merely picture books of various drugs, with text that reads like it was copied from drug inserts... As such, they offer little practical value."
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