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A few days ago, I sent you an excerpt from Author L. Rea\'s next generation anabolic steroid and physique enhancement guide, Chemical Muscle Enhancement, about IGF-1 and its cousin DES (1-3) IGF-1 . IGF-1 is extremely anabolic, far more so than GH or Insulin. And Des (1-3) IGF-1 is even better - over 10 times (1000%) more anabolic than IGF-1. Now that is amazing. Today and tomorrow, I have two more excerpts from Chemical Muscle Enhancement, these very interesting articles are about PCT or "post cycle therapy" and they explain how what you do after a steroid cycle is key for building and KEEPING the muscle that you earned when your on the juice - instead of losing it like so many athletes do. Here\'s a link to the article, "Phenomenal Muscle Building Anabolics IGF-1 and cousin DES (1-3) IGF-1" read on, for Part One of Mr. Author L. Rea\'s PCT article.
Today\'s excerpt, "Getting Huge Takes A Huge Set Of Balls" is about, well, it\'s about your testicles. More than that, it\'s about how taking care of them during and after a steroid cycle is key for building and KEEPING more muscle that you ever dreamed possible when your on the juice. Neglecting them, like most athletes do, is the reason why many athletes make impressive gains initially, and end up keeping next to nothing when their cycles over.
There\'s another reason to be concerned about the size of your "boys"! How do you think raisin nuts look in the bedroom comically hanging between a set of 31" legs. See what I\'m getting at...
Before Mr. Rea explains how getting huge and staying huge means you need to give your balls some attention. Let me briefly tell you a little about why you should listen to him. Mr. Rea is the author of the new book Chemical Muscle Enhancement. To say that this book is a quantum leap forward in the study and real world application of anabolic pharmacology for transforming you into a muscular freak of nature would be an understatement.
Chemical Muscle Enhancement, or CME, for short, is the equivalent of a bodybuilder\'s "Physician\'s Desk Reference." Not only does CME show you how to build muscle using hundreds of bodybuilding drugs, many of which have never been discussed before, it does so in a way that even the greenest newbie or the most hardcore bodybuilding veteran can understand and apply to build a massive, powerful, muscular physique. | ![]() |
If you want to learn how you can apply bodybuilding biochemistry for genetically transforming your body, you owe it to yourself to invest in a copy of his instantly downloadable eBook. Better still, today and for the next 72 hours only, you\'ll save 20% off the price that everybody else has to pay, and you get 18 bonus sections not available in the hardcover version for free. These bonus reports are valued at over $660 and for the next 72 hours only, they are absolutely free! Here\'s a link where you can discover Chemical Muscle Enhancement!
And now without further delay...
Getting Huge Takes A Huge Set Of Balls Part One
Anyone who has employed the use of AAS (Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids) as a part of their training regime has certainly experienced the excessive and totally unnecessary post-cycle lean tissue loss (like muscle) that occurs as a result of testicular degradation. In truth it is idiocy to accept that in most cases a gross weight gain of 20-30 pounds of new tissue during the AAS cycle can result in a net gain of only a couple of pounds remaining post-cycle. In some cases, the result is additional lean tissue loss beyond what was AAS derived in a sort of one step forward and two steps back nightmare.
As athletes we each endlessly strive to achieve greater levels of musculature and conditioning in progressive steps. Sadly for most, this is just a dream predominantly due to a lack of understanding HPTA maintenance/regeneration and the seemingly ignorance of the little things that result in an additional pound of muscle here and there. (Think about 10 protocols, AAS or other wise, each providing an additional pound of lean muscle. Okay, go look at 10 lbs of steak at the store and realize that is the amount of additional muscle normally erroneously tossed away. Yikes!) A prime example is the fact that if you want to be huge you have got to pay attention to your balls and not accept raisin status anymore. Once you realize their potential you will enable yourself to achieve a new dimension in progress of the freaky nature. In this article we will discuss one of the protocols that allows athletes to make progress during "off or on periods", and note some of the more detrimental protocols erroneously endorsed. But first its back to school for some basic physiology.
*Knowledge gives each of us the ability to plan for specific results. Anything else is just guessing.
For the chemically enhanced athlete there is a direct connection between the size of your testes and the size of your arms. No, not the concern of one arm being able to crush a Honda Civic and the other unable to hold a pencil thing from adolescence. We are talking about pre and post-cycle testicular function and natural endogenous androgen production.
The average males body "circulates" about 50mg of testosterone weekly. Of course the body "produces" much more testosterone than just the average weekly circulating 50mg. In truth much of our endogenous testosterone is converted to estrogens, DHT and androstenediol through various metabolic pathways.
HPTA function is relatively easy to understand once one realizes that it is simply a series of chemical messages that act as checks and balances to moderate or control endogenous androgen production.
The HPTA refers to the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis. This is the endocrine systems primary androgen and testosterone making area for males (most readers already know that women do not have testes so they also lack the HPTA).
Under normal conditions testosterone production begins when the hypothalamus senses low circulatory androgen levels such as testosterone. In response to the signal the hypothalamus secretes and releases a hormone called Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) that contacts receptors of the pituitary gland. As you recall, hormones and receptors are simply a method of organs, glands and tissues communicating with one another. GnRH tells the pituitary gland to secrete two gonadotropic hormones called Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). Next, both LH and FSH enter the vascular system and take a trip down south to the testes where the leydig cells (interstitial cells and sertoli cells) are located. The merging of LH and FSH with interstitial and sertoli cell receptor results in testosterone manufacturing and sperm production.
A small percentage of testosterone and other androgens come from another source called the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal-Axis or HPAA. When the pituitary gland secretes adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) the adrenal glands release a series of adrenalgenic/androgenic hormones. The main one for our point of discussion is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Through a series of enzymic interactions beginning with DHEA various other hormones are produced. These enzymic interactions are referred to as pathways. Much like a road or pathway one can imagine in life, each can lead to a different goal... or not.
DHEA > Androstenedione > androstenediol > Testosterone
This is not to say that an elevation in DHEA will result in a corresponding elevation in testosterone. There are many enzymic reactions possible that can lead to DHEA and/or androstenedione being converted or aromatized into estrogens instead. However the ability to increase total androgen production can be done with a little work. (Sorry, but you need to understand this stuff if you want to keep or improve upon your post-cycle lean mass)
Testosterone exists in either a bound or unbound state. Unbound is also called free or active testosterone. The S & M team that bind (deactivate) testosterone and other sex hormones are sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin. The average male produces between 6-10 mg of testosterone daily. Of that, 6-10 mg only 1-2% is free or active. Think about that for a minute. Do you recall those kids in school who always seemed to be the most muscular, strongest, and fastest? They were the ones who produced the upper range of testosterone, while the rest fell somewhere below. So obviously a few extra milligrams of naturally circulating testosterone can make a profound difference. Shrunken Nuts SyndromeWe are all aware of the profound alterations in musculature that occurs when an athlete introduces AAS to the body. Increased anabolism and significant nutrient turnover results in an increase in muscle mass (Gee, do you really think so?). Unfortunately AAS also induce Shrunken Nut Syndrome. Many AAS are susceptible to conversion to estrogens through a process called aromatization. That simply means that a nasty enzyme in the body called aromatase can chemically alter androgens like manly testosterone into the female hormone estrogen. |
Anyone who has a woman in his life knows how anything female can reap havoc upon everything male if it is allowed to have its way unabated, of course. (But they are so much fun!) As such it should be no surprise that significant elevation of circulatory estrogen will shut down the HPTA and manly stuff like a Loraina Bobbit sorority party. This is called a negative feedback loop. Initially the elevation in AAS derived estrogen simply suppresses hypothalamic release of GnRH. Since the pituitary is deprived of the hormone GnRH that tells it to produce and secrete LH and FSH, the testes do not get the make testosterone and sperm messages respectively thus being unemployed. The result is of course Shrunken Nuts Syndrome…unnecessarily to a great degree. Please remember that the hormone controlled pathways leading to testosterone synthesis and release by the testes is a chain of hormonal events delivering messages:
- Hypothalamus secretes GnRH
- GnRH tells the pituitary gland to release LH and FSH
- LH tells the testes to synthesize and release testosterone and FSH tells the testes to produce sperm.
There are many post cycle strategies employed by chemically enhanced athletes intended to regenerate HPTA function and therefore result in normal or above testosterone production. Of course this should include a return to normal sized testes and sperm production as well. Some of these strategies work quite well thus allowing for a significant amount of post-cycle lean mass retention and progress. And of course, others only cause more problems. Tomorrow, we\'ll look at those strategies and how to employ them for the best results!
I\'ll be sending you part 2 in this excerpt from Chemical Muscle Enhancement tomorrow. But, if you want to read the rest of Chemical Muscle Enhancement right now, and if you want to learn how you can apply bodybuilding biochemistry for genetically transforming your body, you owe it to yourself to invest in a copy of Author L. Rea\'s instantly downloadable eBook. Better still, today and for the next 72 hours only, you\'ll save 20% off the $49.95 price that everybody else has to pay, and you get 18 bonus sections not available in the hardcover for free. These bonus reports are valued at over $660 and for the next 72 hours, they are absolutely free. Here\'s a link where you can discover Chemical Muscle Enhancement!
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"Several books are available that purport to be guides for producing massive physiques using various anabolic drugs. Most of these books are merely picture books of various drugs, with text that reads like it was copied from drug inserts... As such, they offer little practical value."
"One book differs in that respect. Chemical Muscle Enhancement."
"For those who are insistent in knowing just what the champs take, Chemical Muscle Enhancement is THE book to read. The author, Mr. Author L. Rea, has over 16 years of academic background, but more importantly, he has worked with athletes for over 20 years. I found it virtually error-free in the aspect of scientific facts."
"Trust me, this book is not for the squeamish, and Mr. Rea is a definite drug "guru" bringing to mind the late Dan Duchaine in his early days of hardcore writing. Rea shares Dan\'s hands-on experience, not merely armchair philosophy. The book discusses every anabolic drug available, and also describes real-world methods of using such drugs. You will learn what can go wrong when making yourself a one-person scientific experiment. But if you so choose, I can\'t think of a better guidebook to current anabolic drug usage than Chemical Muscle Enhancement. This book is without question, the Underground Steroid Handbook of the 21st Century."
-- Jerry Brainium, bodybuilding journalist Ironman Magazine
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