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I’d like to present to you an all new protocol that will allow you to cycle Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS), get clean, maintain your gains and youthful sex life. This article will present the proper way to use hCG, as well as provide you with the perfect stack for PCT. (just checkout the special offer at the end of the article)
If you’ve been studying PCT protocols you’ve probably read about taking anti-estrogens to protect against bitch tits and fat gain, while taking SERMS such as Clomid or Nolvadex to try and jump start your Testosterone production (while crossing your fingers and preparing for months of depression, deflating muscles and a pitiful sex life). But today, we’ve got something new for you, and if you read this article you can say goodbye to pitiful PCT, and change PCT into a time when you continue to make gains while maintaining the sexual power of a porn star.
The goal of PCT is to get off steroids, while reclaiming your testosterone and libido without hurting your liver or cholesterol value – and this is exactly what I’m going to show you. But first, we are going to take a look at the major problems of the currently popular PCT regimens.
Current PCT Problems
Mega-Dosing of SERMs –
There is no doubt that SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor modulators) such as Clomid and Nolvadex stimulate testosterone production. Unfortunately, the body can mistake these drugs as estrogens in certain bodily tissues. That’s right, these “recovery” drugs can actually rob you of your masculinity in a very devastating way. For instance, men on Clomid often become very emotional, perhaps spending days crying over old breakup’s, while becoming completely unable to perform sexually.This is because a high dose of Clomid acts like estrogen in the brain, and makes you feel like an emotionally distressed pregnant woman! People usually blame these symptoms on low testosterone from their cycle (not realizing that the very drugs they are taking to increase their Testosterone are also contributing to the symptoms they are trying to avoid!). What’s worse is that these SERM’s can actually stress your liver (the last thing you want after a cycle), while hurting your eyesight due to their ocular toxicity. Besides, if these drugs actually worked that well you wouldn’t hear about guys complaining of a “low libido” or a “limp dick” during PCT.
Since these SERMs can help stimulate testosterone production, we will keep them in our PCT, but at a much lower dose to avoid their possible side effects.
Over Use of Anti-Estrogens –
Aromatase inhibitors (AI’s) such as Arimidex, Aromasin, and Formestane are powerful tools for reducing estrogen conversion from heavily aromatizing drugs such as Testosterone or Dianabol. While these drugs are sometimes useful during cycle, they are not necessary during PCT. Remember, it is easy to overuse AI’s and overuse has very serious side effects. Extremely low estrogen will give you joint pain, make your prone to heart disease, and make your sex drive plummet. This hurts your long and short term recovery and does not benefit you. Don’t forget, normal levels of estrogen are necessary to support libido, muscle recovery, and testicular function.
Improper use of hCG –
When you’re on steroids, your body stops production of its own testosterone production. Essentially, when your brain senses steroids (ie, high testosterone), the brain cuts off the signal to the testes, and your testes stop producing testosterone. Once this happens, your testes shutdown, start to shrink, and become unresponsive to stimulation from the brain (desensitized). This is the reason why some guys may never recovery from a steroid cycle -- because the testes became too desensitized. Think of it this way, if you ignored your girlfriend for 12 weeks, do you think she would still be around on week 13? She would be long gone, with a new dude, and you would be high and dry!
Right now you’re probably thinking “Well I can just shoot hCG at the end of the cycle to kick start my testosterone production…” Sorry, but once your testes are neglected, they don’t like to come back full strength no matter how much hCG you take! Do you think getting on your knees and crying for your girlfriend to come back after 12 weeks of neglect will work? Probably not, so why not just make a small effort to keep your testes active and in the game during cycle?
On-cycle-hCG is what you need. A small dose will keep “the boys” running as normal during cycle, so they can jump back on track when you come clean. Plus, when you use hCG during the cycle, you don’t need to use it for PCT. This helps you recover faster than you ever thought possible. Just keep reading…
Getting down to business
So, if you shouldn’t use mega doses of SERMs, powerful AI’s or hCG for PCT then what should you use?
On cycle protocol –
The biggest component of a fast recovery is keeping the testes active during the cycle. This is accomplished by taking hCG duringcycle, not after like many people think. On cycle hCG forces your testes to continue to produce testosterone as they normally would. The trick with on-cycle-hCG use is to avoid using too much, too frequently (which can desensitize your testes).It’s important to use just enough to stimulate the testes to produce the same amount of testosterone they normally would.
For on-cycle-hCG, I recommend 250 iu’s of hCG taken twice a week from the start of your 3rd week of the cycle until two weeks before the steroids or pro-hormones clear your system (be sure to check the half lives and clearance time of the Steroids / Pro-Hormones you use as these widely vary).
During the cycle, take a moderate dose of an aromatase inhibitor (AI) as needed, but remember, too much or too little are both detrimental. While using hCG on cycle I recommend 10mg/ED of Aromasin or 1mg/ED Arimidex to keep estrogen in control.
Transition Phase -
As the AAS’s begin to clear the system you enter the transition phase. During this time, you drop hCG, and begin tapering down the dose of your anti-estrogens.If you are using a drug with a long acting ester like enanthate then you would take your last shot of hCG during your last shot of enanthate, since it has about a 2-3 week clearance time. If you’re ending the cycle with a fast acting oral steroid, then you would stop the hCG about 2 weeks before your last oral dose.
Remember, you must discontinue hCG before you start PCT. hCG acts in place of LH which is the hormone sent from the brain to the testes to make the testes produce Testosterone. During the two week period after you discontinue hCG use, your testes are becoming re-sensitized to the body’s LH signal. This allows your testes to start producing testosterone naturally as soon as the steroids clear the system.
PCT protocol -
The steroids, hCG and anti-estrogens are now completely out of your system. You don’t need powerful anti-estrogens for PCT, since you have nothing in your body that will convert to estrogen. Instead, you should choose compounds that can keep estrogen at a healthy level while encouraging your body’s natural testosterone production. What you need is something that will surge your natural LH levels without crushing estrogen to the ground. You also need something to reduce cortisol, which is a nasty hormone that can breakdown your muscle and reduce your testosterone levels.
For suppressing cortisol I suggest supplementing with 800mg of phosphatidylserine (PS), found inEndoAmp. PS is a very important phospholipid found within your cells which helps reduce stress related catabolism and cortisol release. As you may know, cortisol levels rapidly increase after exercise, but phosphatidylserine has been shown to blunt this effect and reduce the breakdown of muscle following a workout. Even worse, is that cortisol can lower testosterone by reducing the testes ability to produce Testosterone! This is the last thing a recovering steroid users wants for PCT.
For testosterone stimulation, Clomid and Nolvadex can get the job done, but they can have side effects at higher doses, so we have to keep the dose low to avoid these toxic effects. 10mg/day of Nolva or 25mg/day of Clomid would be the most you would want to take, since any more than this has never been proven to work any better for increasing testosterone.
If you want the best possible recovery of your natural Testosterone, while supporting your health and sexual function you should supplement your PCT with the topical cream Sustain Alpha (formerly known as Dermacrine Sustain).Blood tests have proven Sustain Alpha to be just as effective for restoring testosterone, but without the side effects of Clomid or Nolva (Sustain has even been used successfully by itself for PCT). Best of all, Sustain Alpha is completely legal and natural. What makes it so effective is that the active ingredients are delivered directly to the blood stream, with an advanced topical delivery cream that pulls the ingredients through the skin.
Here are the three active components that make Sustain Alpha so effective –
1. Resveratrol (99% pure extract)
2. Benzoflavone (99% pure extract)
3. Volatile plant oil complex (Diallyl-disulfide, Clary Sage, Sandalwood)
All the active constituents work together synergistically to create a powerful surge in testosterone by causing the body to increase its ‘testosterone production signal’. More specifically, the active ingredients increase the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the brain. LH is the hormone secreted from the brain which stimulates testosterone production from the testes, while FSH stimulates the testes to produce sperm. Increasing both of these “signal hormones” is critical for increasing testicular size and function, while simultaneously boosting testosterone production.
Blood test results have revealed that resveratrol and benzoflavone have a powerful effect on increasing LH/FSH, testosterone and sperm production. Studies with animals have shown resveratrol and benzoflavone dramatically increase fertility and mating frequency, which coincides with the feedback received from hundreds of satisfied customers. Other research has shown resveratrol and benzoflavone to support cardiovascular and blood vessel function – two great benefits for the male interested in improving his heart-health and erectile-health.
Resveratrol and benzoflavone are also known as ‘anti-estrogens’ because they help block estrogen at the receptor while also reducing conversion to estrogen. By controlling estrogen, you eliminate the risk of gyno, fat depositing and further testicular shrinkage. However, Sustain Alpha wont overly suppress estrogen like many PCT drugs or supplements, therefore estrogen is kept in an ideal range for optimum recovery. Remember, maintaining normal levels of estrogen is important for muscle growth, libido, and cholesterol health.
Sustain Alpha is using aromatic volatile plant oils to further amplify the massive surge of testosterone. These oils contain high amounts ofsesquiterpenes andditerpenes which stimulate LH & FSH release by absorbing through the nose upon inhalation during product application. That’s right, the oils evaporate, enter the nasal cavity, and immediately enter the brain by passing the nasal mucosa (they also pass through the skin). Once in the brain, they oxygenate the hypothalamus and up-regulate cAMP for increased LH & FSH secretion -- but it gets even better.
Until recently, it was assumed Sustain Alpha couldn’t possibly be any more effective. However, there is one limiting factor that bottlenecks Sustain from being maximally effective, and it has to do with testicular sensitivity. Let me explain…
You see, testosterone production is initiated by the activation of LH & FSH receptors in the testes. Yet, if you lack testicular sensitivity, then the LH & FSH signal won’t initiate testosterone production no matter how high your LH or FSH levels are. Therefore, it’s critically important to maintain testicular sensitivity, and this is precisely what Toco-8 was designedfor.
Toco-8 is a powdered tocotrienol supplement designed to increase testicular sensitivity. When taken with Sustain Alpha, a powerful synergy occurs. By increasing testicular sensitivity, Toco-8 makes Sustain Alpha 3-4x more effective, thus allowing the testes to produce more testosterone than they ever could before. Research has also proven that Toco-8 can increase the effectiveness of hCG by the same mechanism. Consider Toco-8 the beginning of a great testicular awakening – critical for maximizing the testosterone response to LH & FSH stimulation.
Fortunately, the only “side-effects” associated with Sustain Alpha and Toco-8 are the ones that make your wife happy or give your girlfriend something to brag about. Make no mistake, you will be a new man while using this testosterone boosting combination. Get ready for harder erections, more stamina, and the biggest loads of your life. But don’t take my word for it. Jump on Google or any major bodybuilding forum and put in a search, and you will see Sustain Alpha and Toco-8 are “the real deal”, backed by thousands of positive reviews.
Recap –
For the fastest possible recovery, use 250iu of hCG during the cycle. After the cycle, for PCT, you block cortisol with EndoAmp. Then, to safely block & control estrogen you stack a low dose of Nolva or Clomid (10mg or 25mg ED) with Sustain Alpha and Toco-8. This synergistic combo is absolutely the single most powerful protocol for a truly successful PCT. Just follow the table below for the proper use of these supplements according to your cycle –
As I mentioned in the beginning of the article, we are offering a special offer for this PCT stack. We’ve put together a 30-day stack of Sustain Alpha, Toco-8 and EndoAmp into one package deal -- the Testosterone Recovery Stack. (This stack saves your $15 off the regular price!)
Plus, as an exclusive deal for forum members, Primordial Performance is extending another 20% off on this Testosterone Recovery Stack! (To take 20% off your order just enter SUPERP20 into the promotional code field during the final checkout page.)
So again…
You save $15 with the fullTestosterone Recovery Stack
An additional 20% off with the code SUPERP20
To take advantage of this offer, head over to
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