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It's always funny to see a washed-up NFL player trying to get in the limelight anyway he can. And this definitely seems to be the case with Bill Romanowski since he's practically trying to narc out Houston Texan's linebacker Brian Cushing for injecting hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin - same stuff Manny Ramirez was caught using last year).
To be clear, Cushing was already caught and suspended for 4 games, but he said he didn't realize he was ingesting the hormone. Now Romanowski is busting his chops while trying to get his own name out in the media with some recent statements.
"Romo" told Sirius XM's Mad Dog Radio, "Do you think when he was getting injected in his ass that he didn't know what was going on? Well, bullcrap. Let's get real. Be honest about it, Brian. I'm sorry you got caught but be honest about it. What that substance is is a substance from pregnant women's urine and what it does is when you have taken a cycle of steroids it turns your system back on from being shut down. It is very, very common in bodybuilding. That is a bodybuilding supplement, or a bodybuilding drug, where when these bodybuilders go on massive doses of steroids for months at a time, they will take that drug to turn their normal system back on and get it working again."
He went on to add, ""The NFL has been doing it, testing athletes, for 30 years and clearly they are one of the cleanest sports in the world when it comes to that," Romanowski said. "People think that football players are doing a lot of stuff. Well, if they are they're playing Russian roulette. So the NFL has done an outstanding job policing that. Are they perfect? No, but they have done an outstanding job."
Sure they've been doing their job.....just not a good enough job to catch Romanowski juicing since he used roids from BALCO towards the end of his career. Not that I give two shits about an athlete juicing since I'd love for steroids to be legal in every sense, but isn't it a little hypocrtical for Romo to be ripping on Cushing when he was probably one of the worst NFL juicers in the early 2000's?
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