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I'm not used to mainstream media outlets advocating the legalization of steroids. So excuse me if I'm a little surprised by what I read in the the other day.
If you haven't heard of the, it's a huge online newspaper that gets close to a million visitors a month. The article is written by a staff writer who believes that legalizing roids would put an end to the whole sports doping controversy, among other problems.
Now I've seen plenty of people, including myself, advocate legalizing recreational steroid usage. After all, who's right is it to say that people aren't allowed to juice for cosmetic purposes? They allow people to smoke and drink, which are by far worse than using steroids, so let's just make them legal already.
Anyways, getting back on the subject, the Newser article brought up a good point about how athletes aren't juicing in some dark basement by themselves; instead, they are doing it under trainer and/or doctor supervision to make the process as safe as possible. In short, steroids should be legal for both recreational and sports usage.
Ignoring the jumbling of terms like "cycling," "doping," and cyclers using roids (blood doping and juicing are quite different), I really enjoyed the main point of this article (check it out here). And I hope that more mainstream media outlets start taking this approach rather than constantly bashing steroids.
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