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When Linda McMahon made the decision to run for a Connecticut Senator's seat, I knew that she would be the victim of all sorts of anti-steroid venom. Surprise, surprise.....she is being targeted for her involvement in the WWE and its stance on steroids as the vote draws near.
The most recent instance of this involves an ad that states that McMahon wrote a note to a ringside doctor that prescribed steroids to wrestlers. Supposedly, McMahon's note tipped the doctor off of the steroid charges facing him. Of course, it's hard to see because the commercial just highlights an unreadable sentence and shows this for about two seconds.
Anyways, the ad goes on to say that McMahon's ringside doctor was convicted in spite of the tip off for prescribing roids to pro wrestlers. The ad finishes by saying that McMahon is a terrible CEO, and an even worse potential Senator.
First off, I hate this commercial because it plays on all of the stupidity and bias towards steroids in order to win votes. Secondly, the ad barely shows the note so how are we supposed to believe anything it says in the first place. I want to become a resident of Connecticut just so that I can vote for her in the upcoming election to spite this ad. Anyways, you can see the commercial right here: //
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