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Packs on Lean Muscle like Testosterone without delivering the Nasty Side Effects
You've probably seen the phrase "Testosterone is king" about a million times in the bodybuilding world. I'm certainly not going to argue against this statement, and if I did, you'd probably call mean idiot. That's because injecting testosterone and its synthetic variants (anabolic steroids) leads to significant increases in lean muscle mass and strength. But there's also a downside...
Using testosterone injections or topical creams can cause a number of nasty side effects, including gynecomastia (bitch tits), acne, hair loss and frequent urination - not exactly traits that get women's panties dropping.
This being said, many bodybuilders and researchers are turning to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) as a way to produce the muscle-building effects of testosterone, without the disgusting sides. Originally developed to treat muscle wasting in cancer patients, SARMs are now heralded for increasing lean muscle mass, building strength and enhancing one's overall quality of life.
Of course, not all SARMs are created equal, and some are much more powerful than others. Case in point, LGD-4033 is an extremely powerful SARM that delivers far more muscle-building potential than other non-steroid SARMs. And what's great is that, like other SARMs, it's taken orally - not injected or rubbed on one's body like steroids.
LGD-4033 has been put through several studies, including a Phase I Multiple Ascending Dose study. The Phase I research was conducted on 116 healthy male subjects over the course of 21 days. Each male received doses of 0.1, 0.3 or 1.0 mg of LGD-4033 or placebo once a day. The study concluded that LGD-4033 was safe at all three doses, subjects' lean muscle mass increased, strength increased, and no changesin liver function tests, PSA, hematocrit or ECG were seen.
Obviously these are encouraging results, which is why I'd like to discuss some common questions about LGD-4033 below.
What Exactly is LGD-4033?
LGD-4033 is a non-steroidal, selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that, much like testosterone, can create anabolic activity in muscles and bones. However, a big difference between testosterone and LGD is that the latter is much more selective when binding to androgen receptors and bone. Going further, LGD-4033 isn't as active in the prostate, reproductive tissues and sebaceous glands. This is the big reason why LGD-4033 provides many of the muscle-building and therapeutic benefits of testosterone, without the same level of troublesome side effects.
What Benefits does LGD provide?
As discussed before, LGD-4033 is renowned for its ability to help increase muscle mass and strength. That said many bodybuilders use this SARM during their bulking phase to add size and lean muscle mass. Some bodybuilders have reported gains of 10 pounds or more following an 8-week cycle. Studies have also shown that LGD can reduce body fat at certain dosages and increase the overall well-being.
What's the Recommended Dosage?
Many researchers start a dosage of 1 mg per day for up to eight weeks. According to popular bodybuilding forums, bodybuilders in extreme bulking phases have safely taken up to 15 mg per day. Others report topping out at 8-10 mg daily for an 8-week cycle.
How does LGD-4033 differ from Testosterone and other Steroids?
First off, LGD-4033 is taken orally, which is different from testosterone and anabolic steroids, which are administered through injections or creams. And unlike steroids, this SARM doesn't convert to estrogen, which can cause gyno and water retention, or Dihydrotestosterone, which can lead to acne, hair loss and an enlarged prostate. That said, LGD provides muscle-building capabilities that are similar to SARMs, without the same side effects.
Does LGD-4033 have any Side Effects?
Although side effects are far milder than testosterone, this SARM can cause a drop in testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). But the reduction of testosterone and SHBG is dependent on the dosage administered and whether or not one undergoes post-cycle therapy. Amazingly, LGD-4033 hasn't been shown to cause Luteinizing hormone (LH) or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to decrease, meaning recovery after a cycle of LGD is quick.
[sc:signoff-std ]PS, here are some related links to discussions about LGD-4033 on the forums:
Re: LGD 4033 Log (and then some..)
LGD 4033 dosage and oral dropper
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