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From the desk of...
George Spellwin - Founder
Dear Friend and Fellow Athlete,
Recently I discussed with you all the incredible benefits that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) provides regarding helping you quickly burn fat, build lean muscle, have better skin, boost your libido, and increase your alertness and memory. Check out Why HGH is Key to Dramatically Improving Your Life here. Given all this, HGH is a pretty amazing drug that will change your life in so many ways. Unfortunately, there's one big problem here...
There's a lot of bunk growth hormone floating around the market! Too many bodybuilders and everyday people alike have bought HGH — expecting life-changing results — only to later find out that they've been using a worthless product. And you can only improve your life through HGH if you're using high-quality growth hormone. That said, today I want to discuss with you the huge problems that the average HGH buyer faces, then cover what you can do to get real growth hormone that will help you transform your physique and life for the better.
Watch out for Fake HGH and Substituted HCG
Although HGH isn't nearly as dangerous as anabolic steroids regarding side effects, the laws governing it are pretty strict. In the U.S., for example, you need to be a child with a growth defect, have Turner's syndrome, have short bowel syndrome or have a pituitary tumor to get a prescription. This certainly eliminates a lot of people, meaning most of us look towards the internet to get our HGH.
The internet seems like the perfect solution, given that you don't need a prescription and the process is anonymous. But the big problem is that you have no idea whom you're buying the product from, and certain "companies" (a.k.a. online geeks in their mom's basement) have no morals about selling you completely fake growth hormone.
This especially becomes a problem when you consider that most people don't see real HGH results for weeks or even months. And it pains me every time I see somebody on the forums saying they've used HGH for several months, haven't seen any noticeable differences, and are now wondering if they got a fake product. After all, who wants to waste precious time waiting for growth hormone benefits, only to find out that they've been completely ripped off!?
Even worse are the scammers who pass off Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as growth hormone. HCG definitely has its place in preventing testicular atrophy during an anabolic steroid cycle, but it's also suppressive over the long term. And while your libido will initially spike on HCG, it hampers your natural testosterone production more and more as you use it.
How to get Quality HGH...
While there are different ways to tell if your HGH is legit (i.e. lab testing, blood tests and sometimes pregnancy tests), the best way to avoid being scammed and wasting your time is to find a reputable supplier. Of course, as some people can attest to, this is easier said than done. So how do you go about finding a reputable company that sells high-quality HGH?
For one thing, you want to look for a company that stands behind their product and is willing to offer a 100% refund. Any site that can't guarantee their product and won't accept returns probably isn't very confident in their HGH.
You might also try emailing customer service to ask them a simple question (ex. What's the return rate on HGH?). If you get a reasonable answer within 24 hours that's not in broken English, then you can have more confidence in the company.
It also never hurts if the company can produce lab results based on testing of their product. Sure, the average underground lab may vary a little concerning quality in each vial. But their lab testing certificate should show their average HGH product is close to being 100% pure.
Finally, if some place is selling growth hormone for a quarter per IU, don't even bother wasting your time with the above steps — just move on to another site! Real growth hormone isn't cheap to make, which is why scammers often counterfeit it in the first place.
Find out how to get high-quality growth hormone at
What High-Quality HGH will do for You
It's definitely worth getting the best growth hormone you can find when considering everything this drug will do for you. HGH is a tremendous aid when you're trying to get ripped, and it's been shown to burn more fat than testosterone (1). Growth hormone can also help you add lean muscle mass when used long term too (2). So after using HGH for a few months, you're going to have a leaner, more-muscular
Beyond these oft-touted physical benefits, HGH will do so much more to help you live your best life possible. It will definitely improve your love life by giving your libido a big boost (3), and your partner will find you even more attractive as your skin improves and you look more youthful. As if this isn't enough, growth hormone also boosts your memory power and alertness (4), giving you some mind benefits from this drug as well.
The end result of all this is that you'll live a better, more-balanced life and feel great about yourself too!
But remember, this is only possible when you find high-quality HGH that actually delivers results...rather than months of second-guessing the product. So thoroughly check out any HGH seller you search for and make sure they meet the criteria we discussed above before buying.
Find out how to get high-quality growth hormone at
What do you know about HGH? Visit the Forums to discuss HGH and learn what people think of it.
Discuss your thoughts about HGH at these discussion threads below:
The HGH Users Manual
Human Growth Hormone is addictive!
Growth Hormone Dosage
Hygetropin HGH results
I'm staying on GH year round...
Can GH make you grow taller?
Can you reach Ketosis while on Growth Hormone?
Yours in sport,

George Spellwin
1. Blackman, MR, et al. Effects of growth hormone and/or sex steroid administration on body composition in healthy elderly women and men, Presented at 1999 Endrocrine Society conference, San Diego, California
2. Mooney, Michael, HIV Study Shows No Muscle Growth From Serostim Growth Hormone, Medibolics, July, 1999
3. Becker AJ, Uckert S, Stief CG, et al. Possible role of human growth hormone in penile erection. J Urol 2000;164(6):2138-42.
4. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2000 Oct;21(4):330-48.
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