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I have to admit I was pretty shocked when I found out the guys at N2BM Nutrition had decided to make a new "Extra Strength" version of their already potent HCGenerate product. The addition of the new HCGenerate ES (Extra Strength) to the product line really establishes N2BM as the dominating brand in Post Cycle Therapy supplements. The forum members using Steroids feel very fortunate to have a brand like N2BM to cater to them.
The original formulation of the classic HCGenerate is already heavily packed with strong ingredients, so N2BM had to really add some serious power to this formula to be able to call it "Extra Strength", read on the article below by Moderator Dylan Gemelli and find out what makes the new HCGenerate ES, so Extra Strong!

By Dylan Gemelli,
HCGenerate ES is an evolution in testosterone boosting, libido enhancing and Post-Cycle recovery. I truly feel this product is superior to any other Testosterone booster on the market today. Not only does it have everything that classic HCGenerate had but it has been enhanced incredibly. The primary ingredients of classic HCGenerate are still in the new ES version, albeit in increase dosages of each, along with the addition of five new ingredients of extreme benefit.
The following ingredients have been boosted in terms of dosage in the new HCGenerate ES version:
-The ever popular Fadogia Agrestis, this testosterone boosting ingredient has been boosted from 1,000 mg to 1,200 mg to give even more of a libido boost and maintain your sex drive during and after all of your cycles.
- Fenugreek dosage increased as well from 1,000 mg to 1,200 mg.
-Stinging Nettle Extract and Bulgarian Tribulus have both been bumped from 500 mg to 600 mg
-Tong Kat Ali 25 more milligrams were added as well as using the potent LJ:100 form of the extract.
As if increasing the potency of the classic formula was not enough, here is a list of the new ingredients in the formulation now:
Click Here to get HCGenerate ES and feel the EXTRA STRENGTH today!
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium): This was originally used as a natural way to heal kidneys but it has since been cultivated in Asia as a natural aphrodisiac. It also works to improve the sensitivity of nerves as well as improving sperm count and quality. This is a tried and true ingredient being used here at the highest concentration possible.
Mucuna Pruriens Extract (L-Dopa): The main benefit of using Macuna Pruriens is its ability to lower Prolactin quite quickly. High Prolactin levels are bad for the Bodybuilder because Prolactin is a hormone that is commonly associated with the production of breast milk in women and could cause lactation in men. High levels of Prolactin are associated with lack of sexual performance in men. Mucuna not only lowers Prolactin but also helps to raise testosterone and minimize estrogen, which is of the utmost importance to bodybuilders. This has been used as a mood enhancer which can also improve sexual health. It is also used as a natural anti-depressant. Macuna has also been shown to increase testosterone levels.
Basella Alba: Basella has been shown to stimulate the Leydig cells as well as stimulate Androgens which makes it a very useful libido enhancer. Leydig cells make up part of your testicles and they are responsible for making Testosterone, using cholesterol as the substrate. Basella Alba is perfect for directly stimulating these cells, thus keeping your Testosterone production quite high.
Ginseng (80% active Ginsenosides): Ginsenosides are active compounds found in Ginseng and are believed to have effects on several functions in the body like: Libido boosting, cognitive enhancement and immune health properties among other things. Ginsenosides are extracted from the ginseng plant through a process of drying and steaming. Many ginseng supplements contain Ginseng that is only 5% concentration of Ginsenosides, whereas HCGenerate ES contains raw material at the much higher 80% concentration of these powerful compounds. So you get more Ginsenosides per milligram of Ginseng.
Ginsenosides have shown to have many qualities and positive effects. Here is a list of what the benefits they been shown to provide: Improve tolerance to stress, boost immunity, and increase stamina. They have also been found to be a potent antioxidant and restore important anabolic compounds in your muscles after workouts and oxidation. Ginsenosides will also improve your immune system, possess anti-inflammatory properties, raise metabolism, provide higher energy levels and improve cholesterol.
The major standout benefit that comes with IC3 is that it works to fight against the estrogen in your body. Active ingredients in IC3 block estrogen receptors on cells and acts like a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator). IC3 blocks Estrogen out of the receptors so it never has a chance to activate the cells of the male breast tissue and other areas. IC3 also promotes the metabolism of estrogen in the liver, which leads to quicker elimination of these hormones.
As you can see, my assumptions were wrong in thinking that the original version of HCGenerate could not get any better. The excellent thing about N2BM Nutrition is that even though they come out with a standout and revolutionary product, they are always looking for ways to make them even better. HCGenerate ES is what you need to be taking, if you want to keep your libido strong while taking Steroids or after.
Anyone needing any help with this product, dosage questions, use, implementation, facts, etc. can contact me at [email protected]
Click Here to get HCGenerate ES and feel the EXTRA STRENGTH today!
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